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What would you ask LEC?


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1. How many weapons can we pickup/carry?


2. Will the classes have different stats (HP, speed and defense)?


3. Is there hand to hand combat?


4. Will there be team specific weapons?


5. Will there be team specific vehicles?


6. Can the special NPC Jedi use the force against you?


7. How fast/slow is the projectile speed going to be?


8. How many hits will it generally take to kill someone?


9. Will the vehicles be the right size compared to players?


10. How long can players stay in the air with the jetpack?




Thats all I can think of.

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OK guys and gals...I'm going to close this thread in order to compile a good list. Thanks everyone for your ideas! I hope everyone is happy with the final selection we make.




EDIT: A list of wide ranging questions was sent out to LEC tonight! Hopefully we'll have our answers soon enough!

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