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the "is it worth it question"


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ok, ive seen that question pop up loads of times on this site, and id like to tell everyone that opinions ARE different, i think its quite cheap but my friend from work thinks its too much. and about the game itself people have many different opinions. DMUK thinks the game is way too buggy, but others think the bugs are bearable and the gameplay covers the gap.

so PLEASE stop posting these "is it worth it" thread. and if you REALLY want to post one, look at someone elses



and thats my rant over




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  • 4 weeks later...

ok, then rather than starting an new thread, ill ask it here, Im a complete rpg noob, as in the closest thing I have ever done to an rpg is KOTOR. Im a good fps player and a hardcore rts man, but have never ventured into the world of rpg. Im considering buying this, but I have to ask, will it be too over whelming for someone who has no prior rpg experience. Also, Ill ask this here, can I fully customize the controls, Im used to a control system where I use my right mouse button to move foward, will I be able to do that here?

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well I think ill be getting it, Im a big star wars fan and I think this looks fun, I'd like to get a handle on some rpg games, Ive done some role playing in fps games and ive always loved it, so ill give it a try. Even if I dont like it I wont be the first time ive wasted my money on a game I thought would be good. I know ill be wandering around lost for a while, I sure as hell did with planetside, but eventually Ill find a guide, I always do. And Im not gonna be a jedi wannabe, I know its a hard thing to do, so im just gonna play to play, and if I get jedi then yee haw.

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ok, I got one more question, Ive already decided im gonna buy it, but I want to know, is there a tutorial type thing, and if so how good is it. I know on most rts and some fps games the tutorial is pretty good in introducing you to the game and the genre. I'd like to know if I can get a basic idea from a tutorial or do I just have to stumble along until I find some sort of guide.

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The tutorial is ok, but I would suggest having a friend walk you through the basics. Goes much faster that way and honestly, if you don't have friends in the game already, or can not make some fast, you will probably get bored as hell. (Disclaimer. This is MHO, I am entitled to it, so if you don't like it :p )

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lol man, i'd like to meet u in game lol


WEll I got it, I love it, im never gonna stop playing it. I truly had a great first experience. I teamed up with another noob that ran into me at mos eisly xiagar if I remember correctly and then an experienced player saw us going wtf and he showed us around. I spent 4 and half hours shooting wamp rats and other bugs, taking missions and generally having a blast. I started as a scout, got the novice marksman and im loving it. Its so immersing into the universe its rediculous. now all I need is a lot of credits so I can get a landspeeder lol, man those things look cool.

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Hehe i can understand what your talking about, last night i met up with Corzip (Wraith 8) and his ingame wife and they both tipped me 20,000 :D which was very nice of them. So then i went and bought my first landspeeder and i have to say, it was quite expensive, 14,000 Credits but god damn it was so worth it! Missions are a breaze to get to places etc...





And also for the people that have had bugs, i feel so sorry for you, i have absolutely none yet, people ask if they have dissapeared or something when they get on there Speeder cause its a bug but they never do to me, i love this game. :p

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People can dissapear on you even if not mounted, but if it happens it is easily fixed, in either case. Just go out of range of the person and then come back and you will see him/her again. :)


It's a rare thing, doesn't happen all the time, but it can occure. One of those small bugs you don't really pay any attention to. ;)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

People can dissapear on you even if not mounted, but if it happens it is easily fixed, in either case. Just go out of range of the person and then come back and you will see him/her again. :)


It's a rare thing, doesn't happen all the time, but it can occure. One of those small bugs you don't really pay any attention to. ;)


Now if they only fix the missing items/clothing/armor on the mounts.

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

Hehe i can understand what your talking about, last night i met up with Corzip (Wraith 8) and his ingame wife and they both tipped me 20,000 :D which was very nice of them. So then i went and bought my first landspeeder and i have to say, it was quite expensive, 14,000 Credits but god damn it was so worth it! Missions are a breaze to get to places etc...


I hate you. . . . .



Im earning mine, 9k cred and rising, some guy did offer to sell me his speederbike for 10k which im almost about to take him up on, just a few more rebel missions at 800 cred a pop.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

LOL, tha what? :)


That must be even rarer cause I've never heard of that one :)


They might have fixed it. But before if you took something from your house and gave it to another person. They put the clothing/armor/item on, or leave it in their invent, and then hop onto a speeder, or start running somewhere, it would disappear from their invent. Might have only been bloodfin tho.

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Halbrad, I may have missed it but what server are you on? I am on Intrepid and my friends and I help new people all the time. It's tough getting started.

I have a blast with the game and have never played an online game before this. I still have trouble with role-playing but am learning and enjoying it more and more. The key is making friends. I have many friends, but 4 or 5 that I have become very close to. 2 have kept me from quitting quite often and I've stopped them from quitting as well. For us the game is awesome but it's because of the relationships we've made. It's so odd to have made friends that I care about in RL whom I have never met face to face, but it makes it exciting and fun. If you're on Intrepid look me up. I'll help out any way I can. So will they. Good luck.

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