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more to do than just missions ??


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hi there been playing now for a few weeks now and i was wondering is there more to do than just run missions or am i missing something. i went to a cave today but that was inpossible to solo and there was no one about so what is this cave for :)

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If you're interested, why not try getting yourself a home or run a shop? If not, why not try and role-play with fellow SWG players and make friends, go on hunting parties and such? Or try joining a PA guild? Why not try exploring on all the planets? Or hangout in a cantina (there are some that tend to be filled with people)?


There is a lot more to do in the game, than simply doing missions. But if you persist in doing missions constantly, you're bound to get very bored. There is so much to do!

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Meet people, find which pro fession you like the most, start a new cahracter on another server, there is a big difference in speicies. Visit different planets. Join a faction, rise in rank, get cool stuff, buy bases etc. Join Hunting parties. Try to level up so you can hunt on your own. Trust me, there is nothing, no where that cannot be soloed by someone in the game.


There is plenty to do, but you're not going to have any fun if you only run missions. Heres a way to start. Choose a proffession you want to achieve, and do what iut takes to get there. Just improving your character is an awesome part of this game.

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Life story of Corzip dinn :


Began as a scout. marksman. up my way to smuggler.


became head of guild: Affiliates.

needed architect for that.


became: master artisan and architect


made guild.


dropped all crafting stuff. became a pistoleer.


picked up medic.

picked up doc


Married Xanadu


picked up politician

became mayor of a city on rori: Rorana


town went dead because only 10 people were in it always.


started a new town on corellia.

Xanadu became mayor.


reached: Master pistoleer

Reached: Master medic

3 skills away from master doc.



This is what i have done from start really :) and im not even going into details of parties, allies. friends i made, hunts. fights. movements. and all the RP i do in between.

and have i seen everything yet? .... HELL NO! i havent discovered like 2/3 of the game....yet.


Corzip Dinn

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