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Conquer the Galaxy - Minor Civs

Darth Windu

Should there be Minor civs in 'Conquer the Galaxy'?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be Minor civs in 'Conquer the Galaxy'?

    • Yes
    • Undecided
    • No

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Hi everyone. In addition to the main , playable civs, i was wondering what everyone's opinion on minor civs would be. These civs would be limited to a signle planet/system and would constitute only a few units, but would make the 'Conquer the Galaxy' mode seem more 'real' and interesting. Some examples of minor civs would be-

- Kaminoans

- Geonosians

- Wookiees (if not a playable civ)

- Hapes

- Chiss

and others.


These minor civs would, once conquered by a player, give that player certain benefits. For example, conquering the Geonosians or Kaminoans would give the player an extra Army. Conquering the Wookiees would decrease global build times etc.


Opinions? Suggestions?

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Sorry, i should have explained myself better. In RoN, which uses an e-risk map for the 'Conquer the World', there are supply center's in various regions, and so when you capture a supply center, you can play a new Army anywhere in the territory you control, unless there is already an army present. You can also not attack with more than one army at a time, though other armies close to you can send reinforcement.

The supply center's i would be looking at for SWGB2 would be-

- Kamino

- Geonosis

- Corellia

- Kuat


any others?

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luke - with RoN's 'Conquer the World' you start off with a single army and a single territory (your capital). Capturing different regions gives you bonus' that affect you throughout the campaign.

However, there are some regions that have a 'supply center'. When you capture a region containing a supply center, you are given control of a second Army that you can place anywhere in your territory.


In any turn, you can move any number of armies, but can only attack with one at a time. All of them are player-controlled.

Did that clear it up?


Nitro - cant do that, because in my template Tatooine in the homeworld of the Hutt Cartel.

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Windu in good idea shock!!!


I like this, believe it or not. I think if there is going to be a CTG game, it would definitely make it more interesting if different planets/systems give you different kinds of advantages for capturing them. Even if it's not entirely balanced it could make for a good game as players compete to get the most significant planets - sort of like a development of the nova lake map.

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I was also thinking about giving Coruscant a big bonus. In RoN, you can upgrade the defence level of any region to a level of 8 (with 1 being the lowest) with the region being harder to capture as the defence rating goes up. I'm thinking of having the same thing, except allow Coruscant to have a defence rating of 9 or 10, plus give its owner a huge economic bonus. Actually, what sort of bonus' should Coruscant give a player?



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I agree about the Ewoks and Trandoshans, especially considering the importance of the Ewoks, but what bonus would they give if you took Endor?


Also, Coruscant is rather tricky. The problem with this world is that, if you include EU, the planet has been the Capital for four of my 9 civs - those of course being the Empire, Republic, Rebels, Vong.


What i think i'd rather do is have it being a neutral world to start off with, and have the Republic homeworld as Alderaan and possibly the Imperial homeworld as Kuat or Corellia.


This could also lead to interesting multiplayer game modes for things like 'whoever captures Coruscant first wins' and the like.

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That could work well. If we're allowing the Empire to fight the Republic I guess it won't matter that neither of them start on Coruscant.


I'd suggest Kamino for the Republic (since that's where their army was initially built) and perhaps Kuat for the Empire (not Corellia because as I understand my EU they weren't exactly the most Imperialistic planet).


So I'd suggest the following for starting planets:


Confederacy: Geonosis

Empire: Kuat

Hutts: Tatooine

Naboo: Naboo

Rebels: Yavin 4

Republic: Kamino

Trade Federation: Neimoidia

Wookiees: Kashyyyk


Not sure what you'd do for the Vong, don't they come from another galaxy?


As for benefits that planets give you, I'd suggest they only give you economic bonuses or bonus units, though admittedly I'm not 100% clear on how the Conquer the Galaxy thing works. Here's my ideas (note that planets which are the homeworld for a civ will still give the bonuses, which makes them even more attractive to capture:

Bespin: Weapon upgrades are cheaper because of the Tibanna gas mine

Coruscant: Huge economic bonuses, perhaps like a constant flow of resources.

Dagobah: Jedi are cheaper?

Endor: Bonus Ewok units such as trappers and such.

Geonosis: Mechanical units built faster

Kamino: Biological units built faster

Kuat: Aircraft are built faster

Naboo: Power sources such as Power Cores are cheaper due to use of Naboo Plasma

Neimoidia: Trade techs are cheaper

Not sure of any others.

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Vostok - i agree with most of what you said, except for the homeworlds of the Republic and Confederacy. The problems here are that

- Kamino isnt in the Republic

- Geonosis was captured by the Republic at the end of Ep2


Iwas thinking perhaps Muunlist for the Confederacy...


Also, in terms of extra armies and the like, its kinda hard to explain any better than i already have. The best way for you to see what im talking about is have a go at RoN's conquer the world.


PS: yeah, the Vong come from another Galaxy, i think the EU authors call it the 'unknown regions' but i could be wrong, i havent actually read any of the NJO books.

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Luke - how do we know that? I mean really, Obi had never heard of the place, and when he asked Dexter if it was in the Republic, the answer was 'no'. Besides, it's too far out of the 'core worlds' to make a good capital.


With Muunlist, i've seen it mentioned a few times in books. It's an Imperial world, but during the Clone Wars it was the capital of the Banking Clan (i think), so it's as good a capital as any.

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The Unknown Regions are the last areas of the Galaxy that have yet to be explored.


The Yuuzhan Vong don't come from there but for this game, maybe they could start at a random planet somewhere on the outer rim?


They wouldnt get any bonus for their capital, instead they would have a chance to build up the worlds they conquer before attracting the attention of the other civs located towards the core.



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Yuuzhan'tar is the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld in their "other galaxy" and the renamed Coruscant to Yuuzhan'tar after the invasion.



In TUF, it basically says that Zenoma Sekot is the Yuuzhan Vong homeworld, and that Sekot stripped the Vong of their force as a punishment.



Muunlist is a Banking Clan planet (the capital I think) during the Clone Wars.

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Windu - I agree with what you're saying, but I think in order for this Conquer the Galaxy idea to work, you'll have to take some liberties. Sure, Kamino isn't even in the Republic, but it is the planet from which the army issues forth. Plus it is recognisable from the movies which I think is important.


And yes, Geonosis was captures in Episode II, but it still is the starting planet for the Confederacy because that is how it is in the movies. If you're using that argument you could also say that Alderaan was destroyed by the Empire so can't be used in the game. Think of it this way: they are playing Conquer the Galaxy in Episode II and the Republic player captures the Confederacy player's homeworld. Again, it is also recognisable from the movies.

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Vostok - well, you have to look at believability (if thats a real word). By this, people will not believe that Geonosis is the Confed homeworld, seing as the Republic captures it in Ep2. If it were, there would be no more Clone Wars.


Also, with Kamino and Geonosis, they are both production facilities, not Administrative center's, which is needed for a capital. It's like saying that Detriot should be the capital of the USA.


Given Alderaan's high position within the Republic, and the fact that the destruction of that world would 'make a good example', plus the continued dedication of the Organa's to the Jedi makes it a good Republic capital world - that, and it is actually in the Republic.


Same thing goes for Muunlist.

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I think after Episode III Alderaan will not be that suitable for a Republic Army. Alderaan is the primary planet in starting the Rebel Alliance, which is technically against the Clone Army since by that time they have turned into the Empire. I know Kamino isn't the best choice, but I think for the purposes of recognisability to gamers it makes sense.


As for Geonosis, it is the homeworld of the Confederacy, even if it was taken. That's where the treaty was signed by the Commerce Guilds and where the armies of the Separatists gathered. Episode III might present a better homeworld but eventually (since the Separatists aren't around for the Civil War) that will get taken by the Republic/Empire too. Which planet do you intend to make the Rebel's homeworld? Because all of their bases get taken by the Empire. Again it makes sense from a gaming perspective.

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Vostok - you raise a good point about planets being destroyed/taken. The way i figure it, we work with the homeworlds in a vacuum. In other words, ignore what happened AFTER the time period we are looking at for each race, because otherwise it'll just make everything harder.


This means, of course, that we can ignore Alderaan's destruction because, by then, the Republic doesnt exist anymore anyway.


As for the Rebelion, i was thinking either Yavin IV, which i favour, or Dantooine, which has the added benefit of never being seen, and hence we can do whatever we want to it and cant be wrong.

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Dantooine may have not been "seen," but it has been discribe in a few EU Books and in the NJO. I'd use those to "fill up Dantoine." It is a forest/swampish world, with the primative Dantarii (spelling may be off, using memory). So you can't just "make it up" and it'll work.

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That may be so, but I will know it's wrong and always insult it.


For example, in GB, "Kashyyyk" apparently had a ground. When in fact, the Wookiees live in the giant Wroshyr trees kilometers above the planet's true surface. It's too dark and dangerous to travel to the actual surface of the planet.

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