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SITH tc mod


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Gothix, your name is very known and I admire you greatly. Think you can lend my team a hand? thx *hopes i got suck up points*


Right now Im tackleing a huge map of Ossus , we're Exar gathers Jedi relics. I'm such a amateur mapper , that I need alot of help.

Even tho Ive read tut's and such, I am still inexperienced. The Mod

is a TC even tho there is no source code for SP. I figure what the hell, and try to give it a shot anyway. So far, we have Exar in game, and Mandalore is also finished. Ive reskinned a few weapons, and right now we're starting on Exar's apprentice and The Mandalorian army. Any help would be appreciated.

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thanks guys for the lending ear=)












basically reskins there, One is mandalore by me, and the other is a reskin of Exar Kun to be more amplified as a sith lord.






this skin was already done, but I had to touch it up.


This is a reskin of the repeater. Basiscally we're trying to reskin the whole damn game . LOL


Besides that. I'll post pics of my edited effects files and more soon here.

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I don't think those re-skins look too bad, but there are some things you may not realise; there are hundreds of proposed TCs each year and only a few ever deliver anything to download, none have ever been fully completed since the launch of JO to the best of my knowledge. So people are pretty skeptical, and don't want to pour their work and time into a project that they have no guarantee will ever see the light of day. So to convince them, you need things like a website, a really detailed and interesting concept and some genuine proof that you want to see such a lengthy process through.


To give an example, the Dark Forces TC has been going since about as long as I can remember, something approaching 2 years I think. Its a higly ambitious project, and it for me says a lot about the team that they are still holding it together after all this time. A lot of people loose interest in ideas about 10 minutes after they realise it will take a whole lot of work, so you have to prove you aren't like that.


In addition, mapping and scripting are arguably the two most time consuming parts of game development, and all you currently have to show are some re-skins, which is a far quicker process.


So good luck to you - if you want this to go anywhere, I suggest getting a website together with a strong concept detailed, and a lot of evidence that you are really serious about this thing.


EDIT: I think I'm going to write an article on this...

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I agree, they dont look THAT bad. Skinning normally takes me a few hours. But ive never done anything amazing. A quick tip, to save file space, and get "new looking NPCs" mix the red, blue, and normal looking skins together. For example, in my mod, i switched the jedi's normal shirt, for the red shirt, all i did was make a new NPC, and a new skin file, throw the .GLM in the pk3, and your done. I made like 3 or 4 guys like that. Cuts the file size down, and adds veriety (spelling?)


I wont be joining your project though, because i have too many projects going right now, including my own TC (sort of)

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Well the reskin of the jedi was sort of a hopeful test, I'm still currently working on others, and your right! Skinning is quite easy. And I am trying to complete a website to put up. Thanks for the advice, and complementry critisim, though I could care less to hear it. But don't we all hate that stuff=) It helps it get better.

Most of those reskins we're done by members of my team and me.

And are all based on the Comics and pictures we have of these Characters. I know some of these things i want to acomplish are going to take considerable time. But, for the Sith lovers out there I just had to do it. Thanks again for the advice guys.

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