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Can anyone help me with JK2/JA modeling?


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For a while I've been trying to edit models in JK2 and JA and all I know what to do is import the model.glm change it to what I want then export it. One of the problems is that I'm not sure what to export it to. The program I use is called Milkshape 1.7.0, if anyone can write me a short tutorial or give me a tutorial please let me know, also don't send me the one from polycount, I used it once before and didn't understand it very well, since I'm new at modeling and stuff I don't know how to use programs other than Milkshape, anyone that can give me a hand you wouldn't know how greatful I would be :D .

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If you can get someone to get it in game for you you could have it done sooner than you think :) Best thing to do probably would be to go to the showcase forum and set up a thread showing off you model.. If someone likes it and wants to help get it in game then you could have it in game by the end of next month.

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