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Starting with certain weapons?


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Argh!It is done with scripting but my behaved paths are messed up so I really don't know if it works.Well here goes nothin open up behaved deleate the rem command, then drag the affect command from the event list and drop it into the script flow.When you are done double click on the affect command and another window should appear to left side of the box it says affect and there should be a box next to it.Delete what is in the box and type info_player_start this way the script will only affect you.

Next click and drag the set_weapon command or something and select the weapon you want to start out with and thats all there is to it.Click complie and save the script.Then just load it in your level and your done!:cool:


I think.:)

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yeah, make a script like this:



rem ( "sets weapons" );


affect ( "player", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
















just set the weapons you want the player to have. just make sure you start it with set weapon none, because it clears the weapons the player might already have when the level starts, then it gives the player all the weapons you tell it to.

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I think it comes with the newest GTK 1.4.0 i think......................


It also comes with the MP SDK. Im not sure what scripts work in MP and what dont. Not a whole lot works though. I tried setting an NPCs weapons in MP, but it didnt work :( Im not sure if it was my script or just multiplayer itself. But i think it would be cool to make a guns only MP map, or something :D

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The only porgram i no of for scripting is behaved.If you dont have it here is a link i found to only download behaved http://richdiesal.jedioutcastmaps.com/tutorials/gc101lsn2.html

.I don't know for sure but i think it is still possible to start of with whatever weapon in mp.In ffa you start of with a lightsaber so why not a repeater or somehting?Anyway best of luck.:cheers:

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Hey guys, got an embarasing question :rolleyes:


I've made the script using behavED, and im now using GtkRadiant 1.4 :D lol


Just 1 thing... How do I use this script I've made ingame? Does it have something to do with that target_scriptrunner i keep seeing?


This is my script


//Generated by BehavEd



affect ( "info_player_start", FLUSH )


set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_NONE" );


set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_MELEE" );




Please help guys! :eek:



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umm i had a go, and I made a target_scriptrunner infront of my info_player_start .


I did the following


Key: class

Value: -1


Key: usescript

Value: testing/weapons_test


(i made a folder in my scripts folder called testing, and the script name was weapons_test)


I save and compile my map, but when i enter, no change! Any ideas?


--Darksaber :atat:


(p.s sorry for 3 posts in a row, and being a pain :p)

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ah I see... I shouldnt be messing with target_scriptrunner :p


well, I tried it... and failed :(


Here is what i've done, basically... please tell me if u see any errors! Thanx! :)


Ok here goes:


Im making an MP level as you know, and I'd like the players to start off with no lightsaber, but with a melee fists and a disruptor rifle as well. I now know this is done with scripting, so I followed the instructions and made a script called "beta".

This is it:

//Generated by BehavEd


rem ( "sets weapons" );


affect ( "info_player_start", FLUSH )


set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_NONE" );


set ( "SET_WEAPON", "WP_MELEE" );




It looks ok to me but I'm new :p


I then save and compile it, and put it in a folder called "Testing" I made in my Scripts folder. I now go into GtkRadiant select my info_player_start and add the following:


Key: spawnscript

Class: testing/beta


I save the map compile it then go to try it out. I still have my lightsaber and I have none of the weapons I wanted :(


I dont know whats wrong, but I bet it's the script! This is my first one, and I would appriciate any help :D


Thank you!

--Darksaber :atat:

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well, you could do that, or you could just spawn all the weapons and ammo you want inside the info_player_start, it would just make a weird sound when you start up.


If your in SP then It would make it perfect because Im pretty sure they dont respawn there, but If you in MP, I dont know, there may be a way to make them not respawn.

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yea, if i was in SP, id use the script...


hmm if i put the weapons inside the info_player_start, then you'd spawn and collect them, great! exept after a while on the map, the weapons would respawn again. looking very odd :p If i were to somehow make them not respawn, then when the player spawns, he gets no weapons :(


I remember with the map maker for Mysteries of the Sith and Dark Forces II, you could really easily say what weapons u wanted just by cheking a box!!


Maybe this would be a really cool improvement on radiant in the future ;)


--Darksaber :atat:

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