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Imp Crackdown: Good or Bad??


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You saw the subject. I've been out of the game since January, it's a sort of self-punishment, you don't wanna know... Anyway, I haven't been able to check out the Imperial Crackdown yet, but I'll be coming back on Galaxies in March, and I want to know what to expect, does it add some Star Wars to SWG? What's it like when you go into town? are player cities any better because of it? Has the game improved a little bit??:confused:

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The inital 'spice wars' idea doesnt seem to have actually happened. Im never reading stories from people who have been scanned etc. Im a covert rebel and even took a screenshot of myself, loaded up with muon, posing witha troop of stormtroopers. Not exactly very strict on enforcing rules are they lol


All you see is a lot of stormtroopers hanging around in the wilds on some planets, and in major cities like bestine, korvellia etc. They dont actually do anything. They just stand there ready for rebel FPS farming which is kinda annoying.


IMHO, its made the game 'look' a bit more starwars but its purely an asethetic change and not the turn in the page of the story with rebels running for cover like was initally anticipated

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My second char, Ories Gaarni, got scanned the minute I entered Kor Vella a few days after Publish 6 went online. But that's about it. I have not heard anyone else being scanned though.


While the Imperial presence has significally increased on many worlds and cities, some places they haven't incerased enough, like Theed, which would be the games equal to Imperial Center since we don't get Coruscant. :)


Further more, they are waaaay too underpowered. 1 guy can take down an entire city if he does it right.


The frequency of scanning people should be increased though I think.


Overall the feel of the might of the Empire has increased .... until you see them get slaughter by 1 rebel. :D:p


But then again, perhaps us Imperials should go more Overt now that we have a greater support of Imperial NPC's certain places. ;)

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WOW, and here I was all excited about this.... Oh well, guess I'll just have to wait and see it for myself. Oh, and Jan? You're talking about that one Reb as maybe a Commando or Teras Kasi, right? 'Cause I couldn't take out one stormtrooper when I was experimenting with factions, must not have done it right, huh?:D Anyways, thanks alot for the info, I'll be back in a coule of weeks, hopefully :( Anyoe else that has any info, feel free to post it here...

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Coronet cantina is the best place to hang around to see what happens when a scan goes bad. Unfortunately, it usually goes bad for the stormtrooper. And the rest of his squad, if they bother to show up.


The imperial crackdown is of little benefit to imperial players. It's to cater to the rebels who can no longer be bothered to leave town to rustle up some faction points.


And who can blame the devs for keeping the majority of the players happy...


I was scanned in an empty cantina once. I'm guessing he noticed some sliced armor on me or something. He kept asking me if I was sure I wasn't a rebel. I told him I outranked him and he should frel off.

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Originally posted by Trahern Valley


The imperial crackdown is of little benefit to imperial players. It's to cater to the rebels who can no longer be bothered to leave town to rustle up some faction points.


I was scanned in an empty cantina once. I'm guessing he noticed some sliced armor on me or something. He kept asking me if I was sure I wasn't a rebel. I told him I outranked him and he should frel off.


Thats the benefit to imperial players....


If i got scanned (im a rebel) it would TEF time for me making things very inconvient for me. Sure i could take down the ST that scanned me but as soon as i walk out o fthe cantina im looking over my shoulder for anyone that wants a go at me, NPC or player!


I cant board a shuttle, enter any shops etc. I have to hide for 15mins till it wears off. And if some imp npc or player sees me it seems to get reset for another 15mins.


They have started to place NPC AT-ST's around cities like korvella now which is almost certain an indication i will be seeing the inside of a clone centre very soon. More items decay, more time spent healing wounds and curing battle fatigue (ironically which would put me back in the very place i got scanned in the first place).


Sure we have the opportuinty for easy faction points but we can also have a hard time.


BUT... i love being a rebel and will stay one for the foreseeable future.


PS... this was a new one to me last night.... i was covert and walkedpast some ST's when one of them shouted 'attn all units, be on the look out for rebel sympathizer ho-ta woskeef'.... i never ran so fast into the shuttleport n all my life. Is this common for rebels?

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PS... this was a new one to me last night.... i was covert and walkedpast some ST's when one of them shouted 'attn all units, be on the look out for rebel sympathizer ho-ta woskeef'.... i never ran so fast into the shuttleport n all my life. Is this common for rebels?

Common and common, it happens :)

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i havent been scanned yet.. but i have been in a few brawls because of fellow party members getting scanned.. a lot of the people i travel with go overt a lot as well (as do i) so we also end up in a lot of fights just from random stormies checking out cantinas etc..


i wouldnt call it much of a crackdown.. but there surely are a lot more of them around these days.

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Interesting posts. I enjoyed reading them.

I really like this Imperial Crackdown thing. :) And yes, one rebel can take out a stormie NO problem. Even a few of them. I am not yet Master Gunfighter and enjoy egging these scanners on. I have been scanned a few times. Very fun. Hehe.

The real pain is after (or during) a fight with a storm trooper. Of course every overt imperial in the city shows up and they tend to kick my butt pretty fast. :)

Makes the game MUCH more interesting if you are a Rebel and I love seeing the groups of 6 to 10 storm troopers out in the world. I will admit that they are a tad easy though and would not be disappointed if they increased their difficulty a bit (I don't mean I want them to all con red..but maybe whites and yellows instead of mostly harder blues and whites with the occassional yellow).

I've noticed a decrease in the spawn of scanners in Theed Cantina on Intrepid, but Kor Vella is packed! Coronet is great for that too. However....IF they want to make it more like a crackdown perhaps they should randomly spawn near ticket collectors or outside med centers..Aside from Kor Vella I've seen them only in Cantinas. Just a thought from a Rebel who enjoys kicking some storm trooper butt. :D

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