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Dial Up


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First of all apologies if this question is a reoccuring one, i did a purusal of recent questions posted and came up blank.


Having no choice but to use dial up, has Galaxies good net code for us lowly dial up players ;-) Am I likely to get an ok game? Any feedback from dial up players would be appreciated a great deal because I really would love this game.



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Hey there.


Im sorry to have to say it but you wont even be able to get onto the game with a dial up connection, when you double click the icon on your desktop it opens the launchpad, from there before you can do anything you must update your game, i have a dial up connection at the moment, and it said it would take me 17 hours to update it. Now my internet resets itself after 2 hours, but the patch downloader doesnt, and you have to download the file you were downloading again from the begining, so im sorry but there is definatly no way i would buy this game now i know that it wouldnt work on Dial-Up, but now im getting Broadband either today or tomorrow so i can still play it.


Sorry to have to say that but just dont go wasting your money on it when you cant even get into the game...


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Guest DarthMaulUK

Unless you cant get broadband in your area, there really is no excuse now to have dial-up in the UK as the cost is almost on par with dial-up.


NTL do a 128kb modem for £15 a month, and so do Tiscial broadband. Worth looking at



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Sure you can play on dial-up. Thats if you like playing at 1fps, with a 300ping, and lag spiking to different locations in the game... as well as wait 20 hours for the patch to download. Not to mention there is a patch every month or so.


Get broadband. Its only between 20-50 a month.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Not everyone can afford £20-£50 a month for broadband - which is one of the most expensive in the modern world in the UK..especially when you think what you get for the money.


However, having broadband will NOT solve the 1FPS thing. It happened to me alot and I have 1 meg broadband.



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... lord haine is not correct. you can play with dial up. its true it takes forver to download a patch.. but you can just play the game as anyone. it also depends a lot on your comp.... i mean i have DSL and i get more lag in cities then my friend who has dial up but a monster comp. so...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Alot of useless ISPs like BT and freeserve restrict you to 2 hour time limits online. BT also restrict the amount of hours you can have a month to 150.


Very lame indeed


This only applies on dial up. It might be worth looking at a download tool like getright.



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Originally posted by Wraith 8

... lord haine is not correct. you can play with dial up. its true it takes forver to download a patch.. but you can just play the game as anyone. it also depends a lot on your comp.... i mean i have DSL and i get more lag in cities then my friend who has dial up but a monster comp. so...


Hey Wraith,


I didnt say you cant play the game, personally i couldnt get onto the game, but i have played it with a dial up on a pretty good PC and it was OK, but in my case i just couldnt download the patches. :) Thanks.


Also, i dont think you can use download managers to help download the patches from the Launchpad, although if you can, please say?!


Get broadband. Its only between 20-50 a month.


I ordered Freeserve Broadband 2 days after getting this game, but i had been thinking about getting it for about 2 and a half months now, its quite a big thing, although Freeserve are doing it for £15 for the first 3 months, then £28 there after, its alot of money, so alot of people cant just say oh well it wont work lets get broadband instead, espiaccely as you usually have to get a 12 month contract. Im just lucky that is was the right time to see the game in a shop quite cheap ;):D


NTL do a 128kb modem for £15 a month, and so do Tiscial broadband. Worth looking at


Please stay away from Tiscali Broadband, you will only regret it, i have heard of people getting slower upload/download speeds on it than with there regular dial-up, and apperently the customer service is very bad. If you search on google like i did no doubt you will come across a reviews site of it full of people complaining, well, thats what happened to me anyway.

Although NTL is good! :)


Originally posted by Britcitchris

I'm still looking into it but I really would love to be a part of this game and it's community.


Hey, in a way you are already, your a member of the SWGalaxies.net Forums ! :);)

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Guest DarthMaulUK

NTL cap the limit to 1GB a day of bandwith. However, they are currently looking into 'pay as you go' broadband, so you pay for what you use.


Until these so called service providers actually INVEST rather than just keep putting prices up for a lesser service, the UK will always remain a 'modern third world country'.


In Singapore, you can get something like 20MB for £15 a month and it does put us to shame. Its 2004 and our net services are still not to the standard of 2000.


A good website to compare service providers...



If you can get Telewest in your area, their Blueyonder is unbeatable. Great service, good price and they offer 2MB lines for those who can afford it.


I miss blueyonder so much, that i am moving back to an area where i can get it



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Not everyone can afford £20-£50 a month for broadband - which is one of the most expensive in the modern world in the UK..especially when you think what you get for the money.


However, having broadband will NOT solve the 1FPS thing. It happened to me alot and I have 1 meg broadband.




It happens to everyone. For me it only happens at coronet, theed, and the dant mining outpost. Only for about 15 seconds too. Everywhere esle I get 20-60fps. Can't really complain about it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Its not RAM. its the game/server.


I have 1.1 GB of ram and i dropped to 1fps in busy cities etc. RAM is cheap, so its worth getting more. However, if you are connecting to the USA servers - you have to expect lag



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