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Soldiers of the Republic.


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"Allow me," said JA, and he stomped to the door. It hissed open when he pressed the pad, and he sprayed fire into the room, seemingly at random. However, they were actually very accurate shots, placed oddly. Accurate shots made faster than the human eye could see. The door hissed closed automatically, and JA stepped back, his armor a bit singed.


"That was very nearly most of them," he said. "I believe the count is now five Sith Troopers."


Sneak glanced at the security cams and took a quick count. JA was, as usual, correct. Damn.

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Torian nodded at him. He motioned with his hand to prepare to open the door once more, and move in. The door hissed once more as it opened, and the commando's rushed in, takeing there positions. Torian and Gogin stayed in the center, while Aiden and Jowamba went to the right, and Sylvana and Sneak to the left, all fireing with extream accuracey. After another few seconds, the room was cleared.


After checking there suroundings and makeing sure no one was around, Torian finally spoke. "Good work, commando's. Now lets blow this place." They quickly set the charges, after sneak has downloaded the Sith's planet-wide status, and fleet status from the primary terminal. Makeing there way out of the base quickly, and over the hill.


"Everybody, get down!" He barked as they fall on there stumachs. "5...4...3...2...1" He slowly counted as the base exploded right as he arived at 1. Smileing, he and his crew stood back up. "A mission well done, men."


Raiseing his communicator to his face he spoke into it. "Admiral Katach, mission was sucsessful. Please send recovery team."

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The recovery transport landed a small distance away from the commando's, who quickly boarded it, looking around at the escort wings flying in a circle around them, Torian looked to the pilot for awnsers. "Whats going on? Why so many escorts?" "The Feedom has picked up a fleet of Sith cruisers and sent them to insure our safe return. Now please take a seat, we have no time to waist." The pilot said calmly.


Torian and the rest of the commando's took there seats, and transport, aswell as it escorts left the planet behind, the transport makeing sure to stay out of range of the Sith ships, as it docked with the Freedom.


On the bridge, Nordan watched as the enemy's ships grew closer. "Strange, something just doesn't feel right about this, Dodain. Its a gut feeling. Heh, maybe its just an old man haveing indigestion...I hope." He stated in a worried tone.


"The ships are moveing into combat formation sir!" Stated the helmsman.

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As the battle ragged on, a hyperspace reading was picked up, and a strange Sith Cruiser appeared along side the others.


"Sir! There is a fourth ship approaching, it just dropped out of hyperspace...I've never seen that model before..." The flight officer stated.


Nordan's eyes grew wide. "I have..." Nordan said with a clear dread in voice. "Its a prototype the Republic was working on 10 years ago, but the plans where stolden...we never found out what happened to them." He reached up, whipeing some sweat from his brow. "Its a special class of ship, that uses a 'Gravity-well System' to block all hyperspace travel in or out of of a 2,000,000 kilomiter radious..." He looked up at Dodain, clearly worried.


The door hissed as it slid open, Torian walking thru. "We have your mission report here, sir. I'm afraid it isn't good news...it seems they where expecting us here all along..."

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Torian growled. "They've got us outnumbered, and the rest of the fleet can't hyperjump in to save us!" Torian cursed under his breath. "Well I'll be damned if I'm going to sit around and do nothing! Admiral! I request permision for my unit to take the new prototype Z-95 Headhunters out into battle."


Nordan looked at Torian. "Thats too risky! The Z-95 Headhunter is a untested fighter model! It could explode when you try and take off!" Torian turned to Nordan. "It could be our only chance, however!"

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Torian nods, and smiles at Admiral Katach, nodding to his crew next, before they all make there way twords the hanger. All prepareing to climb into there own Z-95 Headhunters. "Hey, Aiden. Tell Jowamba that he HAS to stay here, he cannot fit in a Z-95, theres nothing we can do about it, and we need you out there."

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The Wookie roared angrily. JA-32 stepped up beside him. "Look, you'll get to spend time with me," he said. "You can only come out of that improved for the experience."


The wookie snarled something less-than-vaguely obscene at him and moved away. If JA could shrug, he would have.


"I offered. He had the chance to improve himself."

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"I'm sure he'll get over it. Now lets get out there before the Freedom gets blasted to pieces!" Torian barked, as he quickly leaped into the cocpit of his Z-95 Headhunter, the glass covering closer on top of him. The other commando's went thru the same process.


"Ready to launch, Admiral." Torian stated. "Alright, you have clearence." Dodain said back thru there com-link.


The hanger force-feild dropped, allowing the fighters to take off. The Z-95's burst from the shuttle bay and into space. "Damn!! These things are fast...A hell of alot faster than your standerd Republic Snub Fighter." Torian exlaimed with amazement. "Alright, we need to target that Gravity-well thing. We have to take it out or the fleet will be decimated."


Concerned with Sylvana, her being the Admiral Neice, he opened a com channel to her. "Is your fighter stable, Sylvana?"

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Nordan smiled as he watched the fighters progress from the bridge of the Feedom. "It appears, old friend, that the Z-95's are preforming perfectly. I'm glad, I would hate for such coragous souls to come to harm."


The Z-95's manuvered around the turbo-lasers of the ships, approaching the one that was causeing them the great distress. "Aproaching the gravity-well vessel, Admiral, requesting cover fire!" Torian requested


The five Z-95's flew twords the ship at blazeing speed, never before had such powerful fighters been seen. "Prepare to launch the proton torpedo's! Target the gravity-well projecters!" Torian barked.

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Jowamba growled. He was very angry, how could Aiden even consider much less leave him behind?


"Still brooding over it Hairy?" JA asked. " Maybe you should consider my offer once more, I could really improve you?"


Jo ignored him, he knew if he paid attention to JA right now, then he would surely tear the droid in pieces, and besides, as JA had asked, he wasn't done brooding over it yet.


Jo would have done anything to stay with Aiden, he would even squeeze in a Z-95 Headhunter if it were the solution...


Jowamba suddenly had a very brilliant idea, if he hadn't squeezed in a Z-95 yet then that didn't mean he couldn't now.

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The now vastly outnumbered Sith fleet crumbled under the Republics massive fire power, the 5 Z-95 Headhunters mopping up the remaining Sith Fighters, takeing out of 6 times there own number, due to both there vastly superior fighters, and vastly superior piloting skills.


"Lets finish this!" Barked Torian as he fired two Proton Torpedo's at the bridge of the Sith flagship, fire erupting into space, the whole front of the ship explodeing from the impact, the rest falling to the surface of the planet.


"I think thats it for the Sith. Requesting docking clearence, Admiral!" Said a happy Torian. "Great job out there, Commandos."

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(( Under the circumstances, I'll allow you, Sulah, to have three characters, so you can control Armala in this one too. ))


At the homeworld of the Sith, Korriban, the door to Armala's chambers hissed open, Shah'Raa walking in and kneeling before her. "I have grave news, my master. It would seem that our force stationed at Bakura has been whiped out, not by Jedi, but by commen Republic soldiers." She stated, her head still lowered in shame.

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"Don't be a sadistic b*tch!" Torian barked, shakeing his head at Gogin. "Anyway, we all did a great job, I'm proud to have every one of you on my team!" He said, smileing as they walked twords the bridge.


The door to the bridge hissed open. "Ah, good shooting out there, Commandos." Nordan states to them. "You've shown the more promise than I've seen in over 20 years!" He said nodding.

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Sneak smirked and saluted the Admiral. He'd gotten a medal. Another one. Actually, this would only be his second, but he thought of it as another one already. And now, in his off-time, it would be time to hack into the main computer systems again.




JA, if he had had eyes, would have rolled them. Biologicals, he thought disdainfully. They have to make a big fuss over everything.


He was not jealous. No, he had too many medals already, despite the fact that it was technically against Republic Orders to award a droid a medal. As old as he was, and powerful, he'd been in many small scraps.

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Nordan held his comm-system to his ear for a few minutes, as the commando's where being awarded there medals. Nodding as he listened to it, he finally took it away from his ear, shutting it off. "Dodain, we have new orders from Republic high command. We are to head to Dothamir and whipe the Sith presence from the world."


He said, remembering the rest before he continued to speak. "Also, we are warned to avoid, if at all possible, conflict betwean our soldiers and the Night Sister clans there. We are only to engage in combat with the Sith."


"Well, it looks like we won't have to wait long for some more excitement, heh heh." Torian said, stretching slightly. "But for now, I think I'm going to get some rest." Saluteing the Admiral once more, he walks out of the bridge, and twords his room.


The fleet turns twords the direction of Dothamir, picking up the hyperspace booey on there radars. The ships egnines screeched as there hyperdrives kicked to life, a few seconds later, they zoomed twords there new destination.

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"I gave you such a nice opportunity Shah'Raa, to land a devious blow to the unworthy Republic, and yet you have failed me my apprentice." Doyen said regarding him calmly. If one looked closer, though, they could see the dangerous glint in her beautiful dark eyes.


"The glory and power we could have had Shah'Raa, had you fulfilled your task." Doyen smiled wickedly.


"I find you unworthy Shah'Raa, to even call you my apprentice would be a disgrace to my title." Summoning the Force to her, Doyen raised her hand and gave it a sligth flick. Shah'Raa started choking and withering in agony.


"Remember till your last breath apprentice, Lord Armala does not forgive failure, she does not forget." Doyen stood gazing down at him in disgust.


"And yet she is merciful to those who deserve it, but not to you dear no you have disobeyed me one too many times." Doyen said eyeing him with disdain.


"I presume this will be our last meeting, Farewell." and with that Doyen Armala turned on her heel her cloak swishing behind her, and left her apprentice to die.

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As Doyen walked away from her dieing ex-apprentice, her com-link beeped. "Lord Armala, if you would be so kind, would you come to my laberatory? I have something I beleave you shall be most pleased with." The voice was then silent, the voice of her cheif sciantist.

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Aiden Jast saluted and thanked the admiral. Thinking that Jowamba would probably be in their room he left for his quaters.


When he entered to see no one Aiden groaned and sat on his bunk putting his head in his hands.


"Oh no!! Knowing Jo he probably had some stupid idea to come after me." he thought. "I shouldn't have left Jowamba behind, but how could I have taken him?" He asked himself in dispair. "And besides I was needed so I didn't make the wrong choice right?"


Stop talking to yourself he scolded, it will do you no good. Oh there he was starting it again. Aiden sighed as he got up, well he would just have to go look for Jo then.


Meanwhile Jo was trying to squeeze in the Z-95 but with no luck, he certinly was not succeding. He leaned against the jet breathing heavily.


It was no use he knew it, but still he would try it one more time. Grumbling he got out to hear someone calling him. The voice sounded odly familiar.


He moved from behind the jet to get a better look and saw...


"AHH OWWW YAA." He ran and gave Aiden a bone crushing hug.


"You are suffocating me." Aiden managed to gasp out.


The wookie growled happily and let go. Aiden dusted himself and asked.


"What were you doing here?" Eyeing Jowamba's rumpled appereance and then the jet Aiden put 2 and 2 together.


"Don't tell me you were "trying" to fit in there!!" Seeing Jo's dicomfort Aiden roared with laughter. "Hahaha that would be some hahaha scene a "9 ft" wookie trying to get in that small thing HAHAHA!!"


Jowamba turned away embaressed and growled something inaudible. Wiping away his tears Aiden punched the wookie on his shoulder. "Lets go mate we both need some rest."

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