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Carth Runs Away!! (Spoiler/Question)


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So, playing the darkside, on rakataka island, I kill off catwoman and the old man....and down to the hawk I go. Carth gets all bent, and runs away....everytime! I've tried all different dialogue paths...and I really want to put some ol' fashion lightsaber hurtin' on him. Can it be done, and if so, how?

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If you want to kill Carth then, you must play as Female Charactor, and you must fall in love with him. After you defeated Darth Malak at Star Forge. Carth will be here.


I did that before. I can even let my apprentice, Bastila kill him or I kill him my self after she say "kill him, master!............"


oh by the way, on dark side path, after Carth run off, I tell Mission to run when she get chance or tell her run and don't want her. but she just stand around and do nothing. I don't want to kill Mission! I had no choice but have to kill Mission and Zaalbar. I hate that I killed her at her young age.

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Originally posted by narfblat

I was able to keep Zaalbar by using persuade or force persuade. (I'm not sure which, but I think it was force persuade.)


Yeah, I know, if you tried to use Zaalbar at Star Forge after defeat dark jedi then Zaalbar feel something not right, and Zaalbar become angry and tell me I tricked him and twisted his mind and make him kill Mission. He tried to avenge his Twi'lek friend's death. Wow, angry wookiee that is! so Bastila and I had to put him down.

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