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JA+ Mod 1.8 Damages?

Mr Wolf

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There are a lot of people asking about the damage on the server.


Could someone please explain this for me.


From the 1.8 readme:


"d_saberSPStyleDamage ( 1 or 0 default 1 ) : you can activate SP damages (like in default baseJKA) or MP style damages. MP style damages works more like JK2 damages system mangement.


- jp_alterDMG ( 1 or 0 default 0 ) : active or not the damages modification with all the damages cvar. WHen desactivated, all MP style damages (d_saberSPStyleDamage 0 ) come back



Does SP damage type give more damage than MP damage type?


Is SP damage, the damage type that is default when you have no mod installed? ie when you have just installed the game.


I want the damage to be completely unmodified.


I would interpret it as Sp damage is the normal unmodified damage.


And that Mp damage is the modified damage.


But there are lots of complaints from people losing 120 hp in one hit. for example.



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I don't use JA+ (or any admin mods) but SPStyledamage is a cvar from basejka.


What it does is it makes an "idle saber" (ie: beam extended, but not swinging) do damage to people it touches (enemies only, unless you have "friendly saber" turned on or friendly fire).


In JK2 this is how it worked, touch somebody with your saber and they get hurt, just like in SP! (actually in SP an idle saber doesn't hurt the enemy normally, only if you turn on saberrealisticcombat or something, but still, you get the idea).


However JA's idle saber is a bit different.


In JK2 you touch somebody with your saber and they take 5 hp of damage in a "pulsing" manner. So each second they take 5 hp.


In JA they take 1 hp per 1/5 second, which adds up to 5 hp per second. So it's continuous damage, but still very light.



Note that this Idle Saber damage is independant of Saberdamagescale.


So you shouldn't worry then about "a scratch killing somebody."


Idle saber damage is just a bit more realistic than the saber passing through people and not hurting them.



Also try it out with two sabers touching they clash and make cool sparks (not the same as a saber lock but still). ; )




SPStyleDamage is "cheat protected" meaning that you can't just type it in and use it. However this DOES NOT mean you need to enable cheats to use it.


Rather you can create a shortcut on your desktop for JA and simply add the command line in +seta d_saberSPStyleDamage 2




Anyway, I am not familiar with the other command. I don't know what slider has changed/added all in JA+ so with the rest you're on your own.

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by default the JA+ mod if configured so that u have all default basejka damages:


the corresponding cvar value for that are like it is said in the readme with the default value es decir:


- d_saberSPStyleDamage 1

- jp_alterDMG 0


-----------------------------------MP config-------------------------------

let's explain the MP config

d_saberSPStyleDamage 0


in this MP config, the damages are the one controlled by all the cvar damages of the mod....

if you want to change the default value of those cvar,

simply make jp_alterDMG 1, and then change their values


---------------------------Sp config-----------------------------------

d_saberSPStyleDamage 1


in this config u also can alter damage with jp_alterDMG 1 but the damages will be those controlled by the damage cvars of the mod

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Thanks guys.


My members are still complaining that the damage is too high. No matter how many times I tell them it is default.


I have put the damage settings on MP.


Can you tell me how MP setup is different.



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Originally posted by Slider744

yes but only in MP style


i didn't change the sp style (default in basejka) so that poeple who want the default settings in basejka could have them


So what did you change? And, yes, you can give the technical answer as I personally rewrote most of that code for OJP.

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razorace, by default the MP style, take only the current saber position to check if the saber must inflige damage or not...


it is what i understood...


it is not good because on quick saber attack which crosse quickly the victime, the server may miss the moment where the saber has crossed the victime....


so what i changed?

instead of considering the current saber position, i interpolate the trajectory of the saber with the current position and last previous postion known by the server...

it seems to work very well in MP style...

for example the side attack in red stances hit all the time the victime now.....


before this attack were ignored by the server

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Sounds like a good idea. The only problem I see is how did you determine the bbox size for the interplotion traces?


As you probably know by now, the bboxs don't rotate so you can't simply do a pure trace between the two previous blade positions with a bbox the exact size of the saber blade.


As far as I know, you really only have three options that would to do interplotation detection:


1. make the bbox a square with edges the size of the length of the saber. This would do the job in one interplotion trace but the downside is that you'd also get a lot of false impacts do to the huge size of the trace.


2. Do a huge much of smaller traces (or exactly saber length/saber radius traces)with the bbox the size of the blade radius. This would be mostly accurate but you'd be doing a LOT of traces per saber per server frame.


3. Use the Raven method of doing an extra trace inbetween the last frame's and this frame's saber positions. As you well know. this method doesn't seem to work very well.


And unfortunately, with either system mentioned there's still a level of inaccuracy because you don't know the exact path of the saber between frames. If you think about it, the path will normally be in a curved line for most attacks.


Personally, I created a special trace function to deal with the saber collision entity issue (and some other technical issues with the basejka trace stuff) and then boosted the server fps. It makes a big improvement for the most part but it's not 100% perfect like I mentioned above.

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yes it is very hard to improve hit detection without causing a cpu use increase....


well if you find a better compromise than me without increasing CPu use , let me know..


i never looked at the JK2 SDK, but the hit detection seemed to be better in game than JK3


perhaps we should take a look at the jk2 sdk

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Well, that's an easy one.


The reason why the sabers have much better hit detection vs in JK2 is because the saber collisions were based solely on the saber entity's bbox. Basically, you were swinging around a huge ass box on a stick when it came to saber collisions.


Anyway, I'll keep working on the issue but I seriously don't see a way to improve the collision detection without some increase in CPU useage.


However, on the plus side, the methods I've tried so far result in no preceivable CPU lag and my improved ghoul2 trace code should in theory use less CPU than the original system.

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Well, that's an easy one.


The reason why the sabers have much better hit detection vs in JK2 is because the saber collisions were based solely on the saber entity's bbox. Basically, you were swinging around a huge ass box on a stick when it came to saber collisions.


Anyway, I'll keep working on the issue but I seriously don't see a way to improve the collision detection without some increase in CPU useage.


However, on the plus side, the methods I've tried so far result in no preceivable CPU lag and my improved ghoul2 trace code should in theory use less CPU than the original system.


Oh yeah, and it's all open source as part of OJP.

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This JA+ mod 1.8 is like the worst mod ever. EVERYTHING IS ****ED UP THERE, EVERYTHING. here are times where no force power works against someone, like u r close to another player and u pull and pull but he isnt afected, till u jump far and try again. Same with all powers. And fights are as if the server had 20 people with 800 ping each.


YOUR MOD SUX......................BURN IN HELL MOTHER****ER........................................................BURN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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