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Huh, been trying the music thing on and off for days now, following everyone's suggestings to the letter, but I just cannot get MP3s to play in JA.


Well, I can change between the music provided with JA, but none of my own MP3s will play. I tried lots of different MP3s with different levels of quality, none of them worked. Are there specific settings the MP3s should be encoded at?


I plan to check out that Music Changer Samuel Dravis plugged, but JK2files is down again at the moment. I'll check that out when they're back up again, but still...it just seems weird that it's not working at all, except with Raven's SW music clips.

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At first just putting the .mp3 files in base\music and using "/music music/<song>" worked, and then it didn't. But then this worked for me:

Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

Yes, it replaces the normal map music.


I have found the most reliable way to make it work is:


1. Put your .mp3 files in a folder called music.


2. Create a ZIP file with the music folder (not the individual .mp3 files, the whole folder) and call it songs.zip or whatever, and rename it songs.pk3.


3. Put songs.pk3 in your base folder.


4. Then use "/music music/<songname>" in the console, or make a bind "/bind <key> music music/<songname>" for each song. The number pad is good to use for those binds.


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Btw, I just tried out one of those Minimizer programs, the one called "Jedi Academy Minimizer" (jaminimizer.zip from JK3files.com) and it's pretty good.


No need to install any crappy .NET framework and no unnecessary "features." Plus it only uses up 374 kb running in the backgorund of my system. Though it isn't compatible with win98 (according to the author).

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Originally posted by Amidala from Chop Shop

I have a theory, and maybe one of you could get a friend to test it with you (it takes two humans):


1. Make a chat bind "/bind <key> tell %s "Good Fight!"


2. Let your friend kill you, then press your chat bind key. It should send a private message ("Good Fight!") to the person who killed you (your friend). If you have a third friend, they should be able to tell you if it was truly private or if everyone could see it.


3. If that works, I guess you could also make a bind

/bind <key> say "Good Fight!"; tell %s "I lied, that was pure luck"


That way you can taunt the person who beat you while appearing to be a "good sport" to everyone else.


you are one creative individual...

had that worked though, i think the every day use would be a lot less humorous and a lot more like "YUO k1ld meh! Sithmastervipermurderdeathkilla will now hunt youz till you dies!"




'High ping"


'stupid map'


'crappy team' uh in an ffa? 'yes cappy team i say!'

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