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Police discrimination

Dagobahn Eagle

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A year ago, a 15-year old friend of mine got herself raped. When she pressed charges, nothing happened. She took it to a higher court, and still nothing happened. I mean, litteraly nothing. The police never even went down there and took him into custody. Wait, it gets better: They share the same apartment complex. You did not read wrong. She sees him around the neighbourhood at times, wondering why he's still out there.


On the other hand, a kid at my school got sued for slapping a rich guy with a lawyer as a dad in the face. And yes, it made it into court. I don't know if she got away with it or not, though (the a(...)hole wanted her expelled from school).


Police discrimination, sadly, isn't just a fantasy in the minds of hysterical African-Americans. It's a real, serious problem. We live in a world where you can hardly get away with swearing at a high-class child, but where you can freely rape Latin and African children. The courts can find time for ridiculous cases like homosexual sex, low-IQ lawsuits such as the one from the idiot who let her children eat at McDonald's and then pretended not to know that burgers were what made them fat, and so on. But more serious cases are forgotten.


The reasons? I haven't stayed in the USA long enough to know, but I'd bet my hair a large bunch of it is about money. The wealthy can afford to go after the police if neglected -the poor can not. The wealthy support the police in the form of taxes -the poor, less so.


Naturally, Bush hasn't exactly put rape/violence/homicide prevention and equality on top of his list of issue for the next year (same-sex marriage, however, is all the way on top:rolleyes: ) -which is beyond ridiculous as it is a major problem that lets countless criminals get away and countless innocents be imprisoned every year. Or what do you say about the examples above? All I know is that I'm sick of paying taxes for the governmnent to help white rich people only (and I'm sure my friend is even more so). Biased view? You're absolutely right. Is it wrong, though, a generalization made on the basis of two cases? I fear not.


Dagobahn Eagle

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Yeah well, it's the United States, it wouldn't be the USA if people didn't sue each other for stupid reasons.


Like this guy who sued McDonalds for making him eating fat stuff. Gee, if you know it's fat, stop eating at McDonalds...



But anyway, did your friend had a certain history of false accusations of raping? That could cause the inaction of the police. Other then that, I dunno why they didn't act.

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that's a big problem w/this country, the one's with money get their way and the one's without the money are left to fend for themselves.:(


if the rapist was a respected member of the cummunity that may have contributed in some way as well. i.e. who's the judge going to believe scenario.

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I doubt any politicians are helping. It's not an issue. Not a real one, (In a politician's mind, that is) like Medicare, The Economy, or The War on Terror. There are only certain issues on which politicians will speak, and preferential treatment of the rich over the poor is not one of them.


The money for a costly campaign has to come from somewhere. (Always look to the money)

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Too bad the politicians are being controlled by the big corporations that give them money for their campaign...(well not totally but still, they want their interests to be served first).

Your making it sound like a government conpiracy, anyhow Mayors of those place aren't really doing anything, look at Bloomberge, he hasn't done nothing to help NY, I live here, when Guliani was here, things were better

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assuming she can take the exposure, the best thing to do would probably be to approach some sort of local paper and tell her story. Local papers are always up for stories about how bad the local services are, and the publicity might get the police to act.


Unfortunately, that isn't the sort of thing most rape victims would be willing to go through. Its all about who you know these days...

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  • 2 months later...
But anyway, did your friend had a certain history of false accusations of raping? That could cause the inaction of the police. Other then that, I dunno why they didn't act.

Absolutely not. Now, the question upset me, but as you were asking from an objective standpoint (like you should), I know I shouldn't be angered.


No, I'm positive she got raped. I met her at a psychiatric hospital half a year after the rape, and if she hadn't gotten raped, I don't think there's a change in the hot place that she'd "fake" a depression (maybe if the police was investigating the case, though).


I don't think that'd help, toms. But she might just grow up to become a spokesperson on rape...

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This has nothing to do with the police. The police are not who decides who goes to prison. If he's not in jail, chances are the D.A. didn't feel like he/she had a chance of convincing a jury or judge to convict. It sucks, I know. But you can't have people imprisoned every time a woman yells rape.

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Man, stupid cops. If i had everyone expelled that sweared at me, or hurt me, 1/3 of the students at my school would be gone. And there was probably a good reason. The 'criminal' in this case, if it was an adult, would only get locked up for a few days.


The rape. That guy sexually assaulted her, gave her a depression and still walks around freely in her neighborhood? If the cops actually spent time on it, that guy would receive a few years.


Boy, am i glad i don't live in the US. That's so unfair, discriminating, etc. What an ***holes. It just makes me mad.



And what a spoiled kid.

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Originally posted by Doomgiver

Man, stupid cops. If i had everyone expelled that sweared at me, or hurt me, 1/3 of the students at my school would be gone. And there was probably a good reason. The 'criminal' in this case, if it was an adult, would only get locked up for a few days.


The rape. That guy sexually assaulted her, gave her a depression and still walks around freely in her neighborhood? If the cops actually spent time on it, that guy would receive a few years.


Boy, am i glad i don't live in the US. That's so unfair, discriminating, etc. What an ***holes. It just makes me mad.



And what a spoiled kid.


Okay, one more time. It's not up to the cops. If the DA doesn't have any evidence, he will not be able to prosecute. And with cases like rape, no ammount of "time spent on it" is going to produce physical evidence this long after the crime has taken place. Which once again, sucks. But you still cannot imprison people because someone says they were raped.


And as far as you not living in the US goes. What eutopian society do you live in where there's no such thing as "unfair, discriminating, etc"? Oh, you mean those things are everywhere? I kinda thought so.

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