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xMod 2.6.0 :: A day late but not a holocron short

=X=Master HeX

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A new version of xmod has been released and can be downloaded at:



A few new highlights are lift fixes, warmup fixes, and MD5 encrypted subadmin passwords. Now since 2.5.0 you may use the in game bithash calculators to enable/disable weapons, subadmin powers, emotes, and more!


New in 2.6.0


- Fixed issues with subadmins that would cause entries on file to be ignored

- Changed fix commands to record a position lower on the model to make things easier

- New vote disable cvar to enable or disable specific voting options

- Fixed the saber with no owner bug a bit more to delete sabers with no owner

- Enabled the g_dowarmup cvar again so it works like it did in jk2

- Players can no longer change their name when muted

- Added a cvar to allow the pickup of a weapon again & again to give you ammo

- Added a cvar to change the waittime after a duel

- All gun damage and velocity can be changed via cvar

- All ammo values can be changed via cvar

- Option to keep scores on teamchange or forceteam

- Fixed linux server push bug that causes rockets and stuff to go the wrong way (thanks: Andrew "Mushroom" Kerr)

- Increased vehicle limit server side

- Subadmins that issue an addfix command are given noclip, while they are spectator, to set the second origin

- New cvar to make the lifts no longer instant kill

- Cvar help system is now searchable via /help cvar <search> or alone for a full list

- Non-Default cvar connection message reordered to be more readable

- Mispelling auth now works just like auth (within reason)

- Subadmin system now ONLY file based - cvars no longer used

- Subadmin passwords are all MD5 encrypted and stored on file

- Subadmin calculator now under rcon x_admintoggle and can be used with the subadmin's created on file

- Other minor bug fixes and improvements... (curse you format!)

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Uh, you can't really increase the vehicle limit (as in the number of different vehicle models) without bg components. Doing it server side only makes it so your server can hold more vehicles than your clients but that makes it so the clients can't use all the vehicles that the server is trying to use.


However, you could probably increase the max vehicle ingame limit (the number of vehicles allowed ingame at once) without issues. However, I don't see why you'd want to. it's already set to something like 128.

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Originally posted by =X=Master HeX

- Fixed the saber with no owner bug a bit more to delete sabers with no owner


i am just a little curious of what u changed?


is it a basejka bugs ot just a bug caused by your mod?


because i saw in the code something refering to an error with saber with no owner...


but the error was seep to be well catched

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Limits stink.. just stuff I was messing with as I passed by that part of the code.



What happens is someone disconnects when their saber is not in hand and it causes a rogue entity to have no owner. Sometimes the server correctly deals with the entity and others it doesn't. The code just ignores the entity, but the real trouble happens when someone connects to your server on that same clientid. Two things can happen...

1 - a saber will sound like it is bouncing below the player as they move some of the times they respawn.

2 - error catching will work fine and dandy but your server will stop responding to commands entered at terminal itself (no idea why)


Solution is to delete the entity which, at worse, will possibly cause a player in some off the wall situation (never seen it) to loose a saber.

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