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the (un)OFICIAL LA BOYCOT action


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Hello folks,

First of all I'd like to say that I'm very shocked too with this very bad news.

And I'm happy to see that actions (like the petition) are going fine.

... for now.

Thats the problem, we are all very upset.. but as LucasArts ignores our demand for Sam & Max 2 we will start to loosen our confidence and stop doing wathever we do to try to get S&M2 on the shelves.

So here's the first thing that all fans should do;

- register an acount on the LucasArts forums and start doing your thing. And don't stop doing it until we get some serious replies (not the ones we get like "these forums are for support only")

Other things we should do are:

-Write mails to computer magazines, including the URL to th petition and friendly ask to boycot LucasArts;

-How low it might be, start spamming LA. As they don't know common sense this -IS- the only way to get to them;

-Don't just spam their forums as they might ignore them, spam their e-mail adresses, real mail-boxes and application forms;

-We'll have to be sure our mails get there, there's a possiblity that they put their e-mail filters on words like "sam" or "max".

So when that time comes we'll have to figure a way to get to them with other things


I have already mailed pczone.nl (for the Benelux), pcGameplay (Belgian magazine) and GameSpy to distribute the URL to the petition


There might be little hope.. but hey I just saw the matrix ;)

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spam their e-mail adresses



dont do that or else they wont listen to us, just write 1 normal letter



And don't stop doing it until we get some serious replies (not the ones we get like "these forums are for support only")



hmmm... if you get that, try going to a forum that ISNT FOR TECHNICAL SUPPORT



but as LucasArts ignores our demand for Sam & Max 2




they ARE listening to us, don't worry, i think we'll get it back





PS: you just made a thread with the exact things that everybody else has been saying and doing for a week now, get caught up

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Originally posted by toenail1

PS: you just made a thread with the exact things that everybody else has been saying and doing for a week now, get caught up


but all the threads were apart and not organised :)


and i doubt that they listen to us.. otherwise it wouldnt have been cancelled in the first place :-/





by the way whats wrong with my spelling? :blush2:

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