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Where Is Everyone??


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Hey all

I've just started playing again and there doesn't seem to be any players around! I'm in and around Mos Espa/Eisley and rarely see a soul. I'm on Ahazi, where is everyone hanging out nowadays, where should I go to get a group? Any help would be appreciated!

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Surprisingly, Mos Eisley is one of the Ghost towns. You'd think it'd be hot with tourists, but it's not. There are a LOT of cities in the game, even more with Player Cities, and the disadvantage to that is a thinning of the population. But heres the rundown of populated cities:


Naboo: Theed

Tatooine: Bestine(imperial)


Correllia: Coronet-- the most populated city in the game


The rest of the planets aren't really populated at all, in cities at least. The high level planets are hunting planets and people spend their time, well, hunting.


Then there's Rori, sometimes it has people sometimes not, the biggest city there is Restuss.


And time is also important. Early in the morning I've been to Theed and see it all but EMPTY, a very strange occurence as it is probably second only to Coronet in population.

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