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Strongest Under the Heavens!


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"damn, wait!" Yang shouted. "That isnt her KI, or it may be, but it is slightly different. When they did anything to her, I will kill them even slower than I wanted to do until now." He said and then gave the troop the command to go further.


Hitori and Yang walked deeper in the forest. The other two followed them in a secured way. After some minutes, they came on a free grass place. ((Is it called clearing???)

There stod 6 demons with a huge flaming KI energie and Yangs sister in the middle of them.

When Jak wanted to storm in front of them, Yang helt him back.

"what shall we do now?" he asked, but already knowing what he himself would do in some seconds.

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((Yup, a clearing))


Tepe held Yang back. "I'll make a diversion. You get her and attack from behind" Tepe whispered and ran fast on the other side of the clearing. "What's up!?" Tepe shouted and the demons turned around and attacked him. Tepe started to kick and launch ki bolts to keep the demons away for as much long as he could. He could keep it up for five minutes and then he was flying towards a tree. He smashed into the tree and fell to the ground in very bad shape

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In that 5 minutes, when all the demons were irritated, the other 3 saved Yin. She was in a bad condition, and had another KI then before. She held it down, not as normal and seemed to be evil. She didnt say a word and fell unconscious after some moments, and the group finally came to help Hakuzhi, who was smashed in a tree some moments before.


[[damn you said TEPE ;) ]]


Yang jumped into the back of one of the 8 feet tall demons and launched a KI blast into another one. They didnt seem to get hurt of the atacks, and turned around to fight the new enemys.

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((Don't bother to say. Like I said in my first post. Don't mind if I say Tepe instead of Hakuzhi))


Hakuzhi mumbled something and moved his head only to see the demons fighting now Yang. He got up, shook his head and looked the demons angry. Hakuzhi looked as one demon attacked towards Yang. Hakuzhi launched a huge Ki attack on the demon that flew to a tree. the tree fell down on the demon and knocked it dead. "Yang! Kick them! They are killed with a Ki attack at the neck. It has to be a huge ki attack that uses very much of your Ki!" Hakuzhi shouted and fell to the ground to recharge.

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The demons also heared this, however, and became wise to his plan, aswell as the danger Yang now posed. The demon that had him brutally slammed him to the ground, and then hammered him againts the side of a tree. The remaining demons snorting in glee as he did so, tossing him over to Hakuzhi.


"How did you like that, you pathetic little human?!" The demon barked, his lips curled up in an arogant snarl. "Now, we'll just have to take the girl AND you with us!" Another said, grinning, his full row of sharp teeth showing from his lips.


Hitori had been observeing the battle from a short distance away, only wanting to fight if they really needed him. However, as things where looking, they might just be needing a hand. Hitori sighed slightly, he hated useing his true power, especially infront of others, but he had little choise at this point.


Hitori walked twords the demons calmly, standing just below the ugly, 7'2" monsters. "Leave now, or die. Make your choise, but if you raise your hand againts me, I will have no choise but to fight." Hitori stated to the demons calmly.


Of course, the demons would not allow some pathetic human to speak to them in such a casual way, as to almost dismiss them. The remaining 5 turned to Hitori, cracking there knuckles. "Well, its looks like our fun isn't quite over yet, is it, my bothers?" He said, sneering slightly.


The others glared at Hitori for a few seconds, as he simply stood there, waiting for them to eather flee, or take action. The demons, however, waisted no more time, and charged twords Hitori, all of them thrusting there hands for, large blasts of ki hurling twords him, explodeing all around him. The demons laughed loudly at the sight of the smoke riseing from the ground.


The other three men's eyes where wide, surely Hitori has just been killed by these discusting brutes. The demons cackled evilly as the smoke continued to rise, but after a few seconds, they saw a figure, walking twords them thru the smoke. As he emerged, it was Hitori, and except for some singed cloths, he was unharmed.


"So be it." Hitori said calmly, and clenched his fists, looking up into the sky, he let out a loud scream, dust kicking up around him. After a few seconds, the dust cleared, and he stood there, his muscles somewhat larger than before. Everyone could feel his power raiseing dramaticly.


Full power Hitori's ki rateing: 305


The demons snarled, though they where powerful, they where unable to detect ki, and they where sick and tired of some human thinking he could stand againts them. The five charged at Hitori, but before the first punch was thrown, he had teliported up to one of the demons faces. He slammed his knee into the demons chin, sending it flying back into a tree, snapping it in half.


The other demons looked at there partner in disbalief, but as they turned around, Hitori had charged up a massive blast of ki. "HELL CANON!!" he screamed, as the blast erupted from his palms, the powerful beam ripping thru 4 of the demons. The 5th, and last remaining demon managed to pull himself away from the tree that Hitori knocked him into.


"M-MY BROTHERS!!!" The demon roared, and charged blindly at Hitori, who simply kneeled and waited, as the demon grew closer, he thrusted his fist forward, slamming cleanly thru the demons gut, and out its back. The demons eyes grew wide, and he stumbled back, holding the wound, looking up at Hitori in disbelief, before falling over, dead.


Hitori walked over to the other men, looking down at them. "Are you alright?"

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((Whohw... That was fully God-mode frenzy that you DIDN'T want to happen...))


Hakuzhi rose up and looked the dead demons. "Show off" Hakuzhi mumbled and kicked one of the demons in the head that was still alive, but just relieving from unconsiousness. Hakuzhi walked back to Hitori. Hakuzhi's ki energy was in full 239. Hakuzhi looked Hitori, quielty.

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Yang, who was already on his feet again, ran to his sister. "Are you ok?" he asked, but he knew something wasnt right with her.

His raised KI sank down and he was impressed of Hitoris power. Yang himself could only rise his power to the same hight when he was in REAL danger.


"ok, maybe it was real danger" he thought to himself as his sister got up and smashed him in a tree.


"Why happen such things always to me?" He asked himself when he hit a tree for the second time, which bursted into small pieces.


He shouted to the others as after he managed to stand up again "Dont hurt her! She is not in normal condition, I dont know what happened!"

Yin, with glancing red eyes walked slowly towards him.

"Anyone guess another way to choose?" Yang asked

the others before he jumped some feet away.

Another tree broke down when it was hit by a KI blast of Yin.


Now Yang thought for the first time in his life, about the use of the twin power.

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[woah now you guys jump in godmoding.. she is very strong and you knock her down so easily :rolleyes: ]


"I think she is kinda possessed" he answered when he saw Hakuzhi knocking her down. At the first moment, he was angry at Hakuzhi. He could have hurt Yin, but then he saw how easy Hakuzhi knocked her down.

Yang, not accustomed to be weaker than anybody else, pressed his KI down.

If his new friends would get stronger then they were now, it was time to use his REAL power.


"we should take her to some kind of magician or priest to heal her. Maybe we need to go to an exorcist..." Yang said shortly.

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(( Its not really a God Mode, useing power like that leaves Hitori weak for the next few days, so you'll have to watch over him. ;) ))


Hitori panted as he let his ki drop, now lower than it was before, as he slumped to his knee's, his eyes only part ways open. "I hate haveing to do that..." He muttered to himself, manageing to barely stand up.


He looked at Yin, then turned to Yang. "Perhaps we should restrain her in a safe place, untill we find out how to cure her." Hitori said, stepping forward, however, on his fith step, he collaps back onto his knee's.

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Yang looked to Hitori. Hitori fell on his knees, nearly unconscious, Hakuzhi was smashed in a tree, and Jak, now, when they needed him, was silent.

Yang decided that his sister has to be hurt to be knocked down.

"I hope she will forgive me when I damage her nice face and ruin her chances to get a cute boyfriend." Yang thought when he rushed towards her and prepared to strike fast and hard.


Around his fists appeared a burning aura. With his "burning hand technic" he had defeated more than 20 opponents in the last tournament, and he hoped that it will help him out here, too.

The first attack was easily blocked by Yin, the second even dodged and now Yang had to defend himself.

Their hands flew around quickly and Yang had problems to stay in this defending position.

He shouted angrily and Yin was thrown away by that. She wasnt hurt, but Yang had enough time to distract her and launching a KI bolt which appeared in her back. It exploded and she was smashed on the ground

[That must have looked like THIS

In the time she laid on the ground, he shouted for Hakuzhis help.

He got up and helped Yang to nail her on the ground.

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"Hitori you are strong but I can become stronger! Now Yang I have seen more of your power but you still need to work on it I know you have a truely strong form stronger then if Hitori Hakuzhi and I all combined our powers at full power but I have yet to see that power!"

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"This power....", Yang mumbled, "cant be freed noow. We need a ritual to kill the demon which lives in m sister now.

And, my fear is that when we do this ritual, the demon will come out and will attack us. This will be the time when I need my real power."


We should go now, Yang said, and the group walked off the clearing.

"Does anybody know where a medic lives here?"

he asked, heading towards the end of the forest.

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(( Yeah Luke! And I bet he doesn't even get tired when he does it!! Infact, lets have his full power be 1000!!! Ahem...Luke, I'm the thread starter here, you arn't stronger. :p ))


Hitori walked with them, trying to keep his balence as he is forced to concentrate on walking. "S...So theres a demon in your sister...? I wish I knew how to get it out...but no...I can't...even think clearly right now..." He said, almost stumbleing over his own feet, from his lack of concentration.

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(No Hiroki you are the boss of the thread but I am saying that Yang should get 315 power KI but you can get even stronger! Your Ki is 127 mine is 200 and Ziechel did not give Yangs ki so Yang could be the strongest now do not get mad at me I am just saying that this would meke the story more exciteing:) !)

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(( I'm not mad, I sort of intended for us all to have ki below 200 when the thread started...but you went and gave yourself 250, unbalenceing you greatly from the rest of us. Also, Hitori's sudden raise in power can be explained, its called ki repression, they do it all the time in the show, they raise and lower there power. ))

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