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War of the Jedi


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In this RPG we follow the rules

no godmodeing unless I say you can


Ok create your charecter

You can not have a clone assult ship unless I say you can to get one start the RPG ask me if you can have one and meybe you will get one


Name Ked Oer

Race Human

Weapon 4 curved handle lightsabers that can go together to make 2 claw like lightsabers kinda like a U but 2 small U lightsabers that I put on my hands

Vehicle Clone assult ship this has every single kind of ship in the clone wars that is on the clones side even anikens ship

Age 30

Rank you can be soilder for the new republic jedi sith remnent merc or civillian

STORY Well this is after JKJA and the sith are riseing again the jedi must stop them!!!






I am in my assult ship and we dock near Tattoine I enter a jedistarfighter and head for the space port mos eisley!

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