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I was doing a mission with another player, as a group..we was climbing a mountain and all of a suden he went off the radar, he vanished, we could still chat with eachother, he said he could see me, but i couldnt see him, he said i was walking through him, what happened? how can i prevent this?

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Originally posted by kolusiem

I was doing a mission with another player, as a group..we was climbing a mountain and all of a suden he went off the radar, he vanished, we could still chat with eachother, he said he could see me, but i couldnt see him, he said i was walking through him, what happened? how can i prevent this?


It's a bug. Usually resolved by logging out and back on.

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Devian is right.

I can duplicate this almost every time I hunt w/ a buddy.

He drives a swoop, and I drive a speeder bike. (cause the swoop looks like that cheesy pizza delivery scooter in GTA)

He gets over 110m ahead of me and poofs. He can see me, I can't see him.

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The best way, and fastest way, to fix this is to coordinate with the person(s) involved. This would either have to be done over /tell, group, or guild chat as the spatial chat channel is also affected by this disappearance number.


What you need to do, or I should say, all you have to do, is one of you drive away out of range, about 2-300 meters (just to be safe :) ) away from the person that you can't see or can't see you, then come back. You will then be able to see them again or vice versa.

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I've had this bug. In a large group once, half the people were invisible for me. And in town I asked for someone to train me and a guy /telled be he could, but he couldn't find me. I was invisible to him. It happens. Relogging helps most of the time.

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