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The Mystery of Black Text in JA Names continues...


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Well, I know most of you are probably rolling your eyes, but I'm curious...



I've seen people with all black names on my server before (using ASE) but when I join I see they have white text.


So I'm assuming that:


1) These people typed their name in black using ^8 or ^0 in their profile.


2) They probably did this so their name would show up in black for servers running mods that allow black names


3) Since I don't run such a mod, their names default to white.



The only tried and true (non mod) method to get black names that I've been told is to do a double ^^0 (shows up as a ^followed by black text). But the question remains.. is it possible to avoid the ^ in your name and still have black?



One time I did join my own server one time and glimpsed two guys who had black text in their names (imagine a guy with a name made up of lots of colors and some of the characters were black) and I could have sworn they didn't use any ^'s, but I crashed out before I had a chance to take a screenshot or ask.


It's pointless, it's stupid, but I still want to know. Anybody have any clues?

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I've seen people with all black names on my server before (using ASE) but when I join I see they have white text.


When they typed their name, it was like ^0Padawan for example. But since the server does not use a mod with black names, it shows as a white name in-game but black on ASE.


I see it all the time too.

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When I get home this weekend I'll try those things you guys have suggested.


In the meantime if anyone can grab a screenshot of people on my server with black names, feel free to post it here. Or drop by later this weekend if you see me and show how you do it.


I'm not running any "name color" mods, so if it works on my server, it should work anywhere.

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