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Conspiracy theory of MU


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Monkey Island was actually being developed by Nintendo (Guys who made donkey kong, suppose to be called monkey kong) However LucasArts (Now discovered to be owned by Coca Cola) stole the source code and assisnated one of the lead developers of the game.....


What are your opinions people ? Why did nintendo keep quiet despite all of this ? What could the reason be ? Why didnt Coca Cola tell us that they were owners of lucas arts ?

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Coka Cola didn't want anyone to know they owned LucasArts because then they'd be partly responsible for why Episode I and II sucked very much bad. They knew the movies would suck, the games based on the movies would suck, the toys based off characters from the movies would suck, and every sucky thing would suck very much suck. Since Coka Cola is such a well established and respected evil empire they wanted nothing to do with anything that remotely promoted a rebellion against some huge evil empire by use of maniacal light-weapon wielding samurai wannabe. It isn't like they could place Coke adds IN the movies, since coka cola has yet to leave this planet, much less travel back in time to a long time ago and across the universe to reach a galaxy far away. They could not possible gain anything from the union, so in order to cut their losses, they distanced themselves. Oh yeah, and Episode I sucks, did I say that yet? Well it does. Suck. Bad. Really.

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Originally posted by Das Mole

lucasarts is owned by coca cola? :confused: that doesn't make any sense...and how do you know that lucasarts stole the idea and killed someone?


sounds like a load of dookey to me...


It's called a joke Mole, lighten up a little.


By the way, did you know that Lucas arts used to be a sub company of the artist formally known as MeckY? (whom we all thank for changing his name to Edna, Dame MeckY just wouldn't have sounded right)

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