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Unarmed Xp


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My character on starsider is a TK master and I have to say, there is no real way to get the 70k and then the 125k fast. Out of all the combat profs, I don't think there is a tougher grind to get to novice. In my opinion Rori is a great planet for unarmed xp.

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Just kill everything you see, and get FAST Vibro Knucklers. I've reached unarmed IV twice, and I never really used berserk, so i can't testify for it. Get the fastes VKs you can, at least under 2.0 and get them sliced, for speed if you get lucky.

The speed really helps, and yes, getting to TK novice was definitely way harder than any other novice grinds I've done. When you get IV, use spin attack. With it, mobbing creature lairs, even kreetle lairs, can yeild decent XP. Once you get to novice, the XP comes a lot easier. Escpecially since you'll be certified for those VKs and you get +70 unarmed damage.

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