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Mutant Rancor Madness Smack Down!

Darth Evol Baby

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Okay so I beat this game in a week. Had a lotta practice though on the demo.


So now I have fun just spawning the 'Mutant Rancor' and watching him go on a smack-down/munch out frenzy.


It's very stress relieving too.


Example on the Hoth level I let the stormtroopers and tauntauns and wampas surround me, then UNLEASH THE MUTANT RANCOR and watch him go berserk.


Tavion and Alora? Just wait til you get into a big room or enclosure and spawn them by the dozen and then spawn the MR.


Funniest was spawning the MR and he fell into some water. The stormtroopers and the 'norgres' were around and I force pushed them into the water where the MR was and watched in horror as the MR just ate em' up like snacks.


Lotsa fun!


Guess I'll have to make a skin or something featuring my favorite pet.

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Originally posted by Darth Evol Baby

It's very stress relieving too.




Funniest was spawning the MR and he fell into some water. The stormtroopers and the 'norgres' were around and I force pushed them into the water where the MR was and watched in horror as the MR just ate em' up like snacks.


On that same level you know what is stress relieving to, try throwing them in to the fan blades, Or put them next to it and watch them run in to it.

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Bloody death!!! Sounds cool but doesn't it limit dismemberment? I can't give up my dismemberment cause it's fun to watch the gibblets flyin' all over the screen.


One trick I like is slicin' a dude up during a frenzied attack and watchin' the body parts bounce off the wall and hit other guys. If you do it right and then forcepush or force pull when the body parts are in mid air you can use em' for weapons. I hit boba fett with a guy's butt once. I like to spawn Fett during a level as he makes the fighting more intense.


One thing I'ld like more is more 'sizzling'. When you slice a guy with a lightsaber I want more 'bacon sizzling' sounds liek popping grease and what-not. Real gristle grizzling. Or even exploding body parts once you dismember them.


It makes the game funnier.

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Oh this Mutant Rancor thing gets better all the time!


I was there on the level where you destroy the cloaking thingie and spawned the Mutant Rancor at the bottom level. All kinds of weird things happened!


One rancor fell in the water and I spawned a buncha characters and force pushed them in, then hit noclip and got under water to watch the feed fest! Rancor went berserk and ate everything moving and then just disappeared!


Guess it drowned!


Then the wildest thing. I spawned another MR at the ground level and then went to higher levels and spawned a bunch of Tavions and Aloras and force pushed em' down at the MR. He actually caught some and ate em'! It was like playing basketball.


Then the weirdest thing. After I got to a top level I turned a gun on the MR to see if I could kill it. Every time I hit it with a shot I heard a woman's scream! I'm sitting there like " Oh, some other Jedi must be running around" but then by sheer luck I saw a red lightsaber in the MR's stomach. So I go back down jump into the MR's stomach and sure enough there's like 2 tavions inside! Still alive and threatening me! It's funny because you don't see that you're inside but it looks like first person view. But then the fight broke out and we were all hacking and slashing like crazy. Forcepowers to the max. Then the dang MR exploded or died and we were outside fighting!


Freakin' weird!

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Originally posted by Darth Evol Baby

Oh this Mutant Rancor thing gets better all the time!


I was there on the level where you destroy the cloaking thingie and spawned the Mutant Rancor at the bottom level. All kinds of weird things happened!


One rancor fell in the water and I spawned a buncha characters and force pushed them in, then hit noclip and got under water to watch the feed fest! Rancor went berserk and ate everything moving and then just disappeared!


Guess it drowned!


Then the wildest thing. I spawned another MR at the ground level and then went to higher levels and spawned a bunch of Tavions and Aloras and force pushed em' down at the MR. He actually caught some and ate em'! It was like playing basketball.


Then the weirdest thing. After I got to a top level I turned a gun on the MR to see if I could kill it. Every time I hit it with a shot I heard a woman's scream! I'm sitting there like " Oh, some other Jedi must be running around" but then by sheer luck I saw a red lightsaber in the MR's stomach. So I go back down jump into the MR's stomach and sure enough there's like 2 tavions inside! Still alive and threatening me! It's funny because you don't see that you're inside but it looks like first person view. But then the fight broke out and we were all hacking and slashing like crazy. Forcepowers to the max. Then the dang MR exploded or died and we were outside fighting!


Freakin' weird!

That is funny I have never gone inside a rancor before I guess I should try it!




One funny thing about all Rancors is that if you have the God(Invinceable) cheat you still get killed if a Rancor eats you I was like

Why did that happen:confused: it was quite strange!
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Originally posted by LukeKatarn

That is funny I have never gone inside a rancor before I guess I should try it!




One funny thing about all Rancors is that if you have the God(Invinceable) cheat you still get killed if a Rancor eats you I was like Why did that happen:confused: it was quite strange!


Oh not always! That's what I thought. There's ways to do it without getting killed. Matter of fact I'm going to post a screencapture of what happened to Boba Fett when he got eaten! ( soon as I figure out how to do a screencap ).


It's so freaky! Boba Fett gets captured by the MR and eaten during the big tomb battle kor1. So I had spawned a dozen characters along with the group of Jedi and Sith already fighting in the main chamber and I was on my way to get out through the hole in the wall in the back when I hear Boba Fett screaming. I turn around and He was eaten. Then I go back and battle through the game and come back like half an hour later and hear all this shooting. I'm like 'Oh I missed a stormtrooper or something' and lo and behold there's the MR fighting something. I get closer and freak the heck out!


Somehow There was a 'half Boba Fett' after being chewed in half still fighting the Mutant Rancor! It was ghoulish to see this disembodied head and disembodied lower body running around the rancor! I was so ill! So I spawned another Boba Fett and his dumb self gets eaten too. I go out of the room again to play in other areas come back later and now there's two half chewed boba fetts just suspended in mid air near the rancor's stomach. Like an idiot I get too close and rancor grabs me, I use both lightsabers and hear both boba fett's screaming. They were still alive inside! That's when I figured that this 'alive in the rancor' thing might only happen when the rancor is trapped in an enclosed area and can't run around. It would make sense.

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Okay, this teaches me why one needs to have a hotkey for screen captures.


I'm playing the game during the 'droid search' on tatooine. Outside near the Jawa crawler for fun I spawn the Mutant_Rancor, tavion, and alora and finally a wampa.


The fight gets furious as tavion and alora go at the MR. Of course they get done in but I was busy as the wampa turned on me. So then I dodge it and it gets in the mix with the MR, alora and tavion. Having the distraction to my advantage I go around the crawler to fight off some tuskens. Suddenly I hear this scream and I don't freakin' believe it:


I see the lower half of a wampa chasing after me with a dead alora stuck to it as if she's riding it! No matter where I ran it followed me! I saved the game and just got the 'screen capture' command so I'm gonna try to get a cap of it.


It was ghoulish no end.



I s

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Dang it! D/loaded some mods and now I can't spawn taun tauns or the Mutant Rancor again. I wish guys would field test these things and put the warnings in the readme files before uploading these things.


Now I gotta uninstall and reinstall and gradually test each mod one at a time to see what's up.


I think it's the big yoda mod. It's cool as snot though and I would hate to lose it. Watchin' Yoda kick dudes and get jedi on their butts.


I do have a screen cap of the mutant rancor trying to eat leftover Boba Fetts. He eats them but the body parts are like suspended in mid air and he tries to eat them all over again.


screencap: http://members.aol.com/evolbaby/deadboba.jpg

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