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need help on where to buy!


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Try Electronics Boutique and search under LucasArts Classics Archive Volume III. Both 1 + 2, plus a CMI demo come with the set.


The set also has Afterlife -- think SimHelll/SimHeaven. It's a good compilation to pick up.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Besides Ebay, ther's Amazon or the LucasArts online store. I don't think they sell it in physical stores these days anymore although it may vary from around the world. BUt I think youre best bet is online.

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  • 1 month later...

How come noone just makes a website for a download of the game? Lucasarts doesnt prophit from it because they dont sell or produce the game any more. Lucas Arts should add a little download button on thier website. For $5 (or however much they choose) you can download a game. There not making any money from it right now so why not do this. Every pirated game they lose a possible sale. So if they have a place to sell their product they make money. Very cheap to set up a download link. They can please people who would like to experience MI or other old games they produced and they will still make money off of it. Its a win/win situation for both Lucas Arts and thier fans. They dont sell it any more so there shouldnt be any lawsuits or anything if someone was distributing their older games if they dont do anything about getting the games to customers.

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Sounds like a fantastic idea to me Pepper.


What LucasArts is doing right now is pretty stupid. I'm sitting here, wishing I could give them money for one of their products.

Jesus, there's 20 year old SSI games that you can buy today as easily as the day the came out. I don't understand why LucasArts have to make their own product so elusive.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Pepper

How come noone just makes a website for a download of the game? Lucasarts doesnt prophit from it because they dont sell or produce the game any more. Lucas Arts should add a little download button on thier website. For $5 (or however much they choose) you can download a game. There not making any money from it right now so why not do this. Every pirated game they lose a possible sale. So if they have a place to sell their product they make money. Very cheap to set up a download link. They can please people who would like to experience MI or other old games they produced and they will still make money off of it. Its a win/win situation for both Lucas Arts and thier fans. They dont sell it any more so there shouldnt be any lawsuits or anything if someone was distributing their older games if they dont do anything about getting the games to customers.


The games are currently selling in retail stores in Britain and the U.S.

As long as this is happening, the games are not abandonware and therefor it is illegal to distribute these games on the internet, even if LA distributed it themselves.

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Even if LEC didn't sell them anywhere, ever again, it would still be illegal to download it. The only things that could change that is LEC specifically allowing it to be downloaded for free or alternatively that all their rights to the product expired, and the game would be public domain.


Don't hold your breath for either one.


EDIT! The $5 download idea is something LEC should consider, it would make a lot of sense. Not that LEC is making much sense these days of course. :¬:

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What im saying is they arent making any money now so why get Upset if someone is stealing thier product. They dont lose anything eccept a possible sale in the future if they decide to resell the game. But they arent selling it any more and they arent making an attempt to make it avalible to the public in the future so there is no chance of a possible sale.

Its fairly difficult to get a copy of the MI game. I understand its still being sold in stores but they are at the bottom of the discount bin and hard to find of course there being sold somewhere. For example you can still buy a Model "T" Ford somewhere . They were clearly abandoned because they have been outdated Ford doesnt make them anymore, but are still being sold so technicaly they arent abandoned(you can get one in a garage sale or something). For the number of people who would like to obtain it there isnt enough for them. So a company either recreats them to sell to who would ever like a recreation Model T or sells its rights to someone who will produce their product.

But LEC is not doing this. Supply and demand. There is demand but little or no supply. If LEC wont do anything about this problem they should sell the rights to someone who will make thier games avalible to the public again.

I dont know I think LEC should do something like this sorry if its not the best example in the world but I hope you understand how I was thinking.

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LucasArts has every right to still make money off the games, they are timeless and still worth paying for even after a greater part of a decade.


The download idea seems ideal because, if my memory serves me correctly, Monkey Island 2 was only about 11 Megs. I could be way off, but still, how easy would it be to set up a credit card enabled download on the site, and for such a small download? No distribution costs, no packaging, nothing but easy money and happy customers.


Is there any way that this suggestion could be brought up to LucasArts? Maybe make a petition of it? I'm always the optimist ;)


P.S. RemiO, you wouldn't happen to be John Romero in disguise would ya? :D JK! You bear an uncanny resemblance to him in your avatar pic (if that's you in the pic of course)


All the best to all of you fine folks!

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I agree that they have the rights and all I just think they should distribute it again. Its a good game and LEC should give people that werent fortunate enough to get a copy of MI wile it was widly avalible. Im not saying to make pirated copies of MI. I just think LEC shouldnt get mad if pirated copies of MI circulated around because they didnt make enough for all the people that want it.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Pepper

For example you can still buy a Model "T" Ford somewhere . They were clearly abandoned because they have been outdated Ford doesnt make them anymore, but are still being sold so technicaly they arent abandoned(you can get one in a garage sale or something).


Does that mean it's okay to steal a car?


Basically, LEC are still reproducing the MI games to be sold, as we've seen from the recent collectors pack of all 4 games that has been released. Unfortunately, it's only been released in America, but in England, there is still the bounty pack and you can still buy brand new versions of CMi and EMi at full price (or about £15, which isn't really a discout price)


This means that with the potentiality of a sale, LEC wouldn't like the idea of giving them away for free.


Plus, EMi and CMi would be too big a download (we're talking 2 CD's worth here, not full capacity, but you get what I'm talking about)

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