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What are the hopes for MI 5 ?


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Originally posted by Laffer

I hope LucasArts doesn't release MI5, at least not in their current state. Perhaps in the future, when they would put a little more effort into making it.


Dude we left this topic a looooong time ago.

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Out of all of the Monkeys island games LeChuck is the best evil Character although after Monkeys Island 2 he has become less frightening and less detailed as we made the change to 3D.


I think Largo LaGrande is the 2 best evil Character in Monkeys Island. I believe that in Monkeys Island 5 Lucasarts should take the game back to its most successful format and most enjoyable era in full 2D.


They should bring back Largo LaGrande in the next Monkeys Island game because he is pure evil; just like all dwarfs are bad tempered they always think your making fun of them, and are very insulting.


They should return him to Scabb Island so he can stroll back to Woodtick to his famous theme tune to stay at The Swamp Rot Inn again as well as wreaking havoc banning all pirates from leaving the island and charging a toll for crossing the bridge. Do you think this will happen i hope it will.

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Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

They should bring back Largo LaGrande in the next Monkeys Island game because he is pure evil; just like all dwarfs are bad tempered they always think your making fun of them, and are very insulting.


It's usually comments like that that make them bad tempered and insulting. Dwarves are people to.


And no, whilst it's a nice thought, i doubt it will happen, LA will stay with 3D and create crappy bad characters for guybrush to beat and then cancel the game before it's released or finished just to piss us off.

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Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Out of all of the Monkeys island games LeChuck is the best evil Character although after Monkeys Island 2 he has become less frightening and less detailed as we made the change to 3D.


I think Largo LaGrande is the 2 best evil Character in Monkeys Island. I believe that in Monkeys Island 5 Lucasarts should take the game back to its most successful format and most enjoyable era in full 2D.


They should bring back Largo LaGrande in the next Monkeys Island game because he is pure evil; just like all dwarfs are bad tempered they always think your making fun of them, and are very insulting.


They should return him to Scabb Island so he can stroll back to Woodtick to his famous theme tune to stay at The Swamp Rot Inn again as well as wreaking havoc banning all pirates from leaving the island and charging a toll for crossing the bridge. Do you think this will happen i hope it will.


Deja Vu.


Dude, don't post the same thing in two places.

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Josh you took the words right out of my mouth lucast arts has used to 3D and create crappy Low detailed characters for Guybrush to beat but. Iwish that Lucasarts return to 2D for Monkeys Island 5


Skinkie or shall i call you "Dude" If i want to post the same thing in 2 places i will i do what i want.


Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande.


Yo have also had Deja Vu moments.


Skinkie "Dude"


You have posted the same thing in many places and i quote.

"Just because people think what I say don't make sense, doesn't mean I don't like popsicles."

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You've got a bit of an attitude. I'm just trying to point out to you since your new that posting the exact same reply multiple places on the forum is generally frowned upon. It defeats the purpose of having multiple forum areas and multiple threads if they all contain the same thing.

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The only point you will be making is pointing out your own eye with your hook.


I am not new I have been a member of the Scumm Bar since it first started. And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island began. I have posted many things on this forum under my previous user name.


There is no rule that says you are not allowed to post the same thing more than once.


Most of us on here have more enjoyable things to talk about.

The only person who frowns upon it and actually hunts down people who have done such a thing, Is yourself the multiple post bounty hunter.


If you want to be a forum prefect why don’t you polish your monocle and use your monocle clenching muscles and check out your own posts. You have done this sentence loads of times in absolutely loads of places


"Just because people think what I say don't make sense, doesn't mean I don't like popsicles".

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Calm down man, your registration was this month, you have 7 posts, it seemed fair to assume you were new to the community. Pardon me for trying to pass on some simple forum etiquette. And as for the popsicle thing, it's my signature, it's automatically added at the end of every post of mine. It's not an uncommon thing, so please stop using that to try and prove your point.


I was never trying to start a fight here, I'm just trying to be helpful.


Joshi feel free to step in and save my hide any time now.

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Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

The only point you will be making is pointing out your own eye with your hook.


I am not new I have been a member of the Scumm Bar since it first started. And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island began. I have posted many things on this forum under my previous user name.


There is no rule that says you are not allowed to post the same thing more than once.


Most of us on here have more enjoyable things to talk about.

The only person who frowns upon it and actually hunts down people who have done such a thing, Is yourself the multiple post bounty hunter.


If you want to be a forum prefect why don’t you polish your monocle and use your monocle clenching muscles and check out your own posts. You have done this sentence loads of times in absolutely loads of places


"Just because people think what I say don't make sense, doesn't mean I don't like popsicles".


Okay, so first, this forums hasn't been around since the beginning of MI, MI1 came out in 1990, way before the internet checked in as an information superhighway.


And there is actually a rule that says you cannot post the same thing twice, or did you not actually look at the rules ebfore posting that. It's what we like to call spam, it's redundant posting used to up your post count and it is not allowed.


yes, people do have more enjoyable things to talk about, but saying the same thing twice is not exactly helping.


And Skinkie's sentanc at the end of all of his posts is called a signature. he doesn't type it in, he goes to his user profile and sets it up there to put it at the end of his post. Being a long time poster, i'd have thought you'd have known this.


And just because you have the name Largo LaGrande doesn't mean you can do what you want, there are rules here and we expect you to abide by them before you get banned (which we can do).


And also, unless it is actually your signature, using the words "Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande" isn't impressing or intimidating anybody, it just makes you look like a bonafide fanboy.

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Hi Joshi



Okay, so first, this forums hasn't been around since the beginning of MI, MI1 came out in 1990, way before the internet checked in as an information superhighway.



I actually said


I am not new have been a member of the Scumm Bar since it first started. And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island began. I have posted many things on this forum under my previous user name.


I Didn’t say since the release of Monkeys Island MI1, MI2 1990 you have added that although I have missed out the word "Forum" from the sentence. Here’s the corrected sentence


And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island "forum" began.


Next question



And there is actually a rule that says you cannot post the same thing twice, or did you not actually look at the rules ebfore posting that. It's what we like to call Spam, it's redundant posting used to up your post count and it is not allowed.




First Joshi the Correct spelling is before not EBFORE and you can post the same thing twice as long as it is relevant to you argument, or for use as an example and I was using it as an example of what I want to see in Monkeys island 5.


Obviously if your advertising or your subject is irrelevant to the site that’s not allowed or posting the exact same thing twice in the same place is not allowed but I haven’t done that.


Next question



yes, people do have more enjoyable things to talk about, but saying the same thing twice is not exactly helping.



Myself and everyone else on here have more enjoyable things to talk about Monkeys Island. Except you and your pal Skinkie who wish to continue to argue with people you stalk for posting opinions you disagree with. I have posted my idea for Monkeys Island 5 in two different subject rooms because I was asked what my idea is they were not the same post just the same idea within it.


Now Joshi or Skinkie threes a more serious rule in this forums if you haven’t noticed there’s no arguing and harassing. Opinions and disagreements on Monkeys Island Yes arguing about irrelevant subjects No.


You have virtually accused me of Spamming I wasn’t Spamming if you continue to argue its not only ruining the idea of this Forum which is to talk about Monkeys Island your spoiling it for us devoted Monkeys Island fans and threepwood3 who created the Post subject What are the hopes for MI 5.


Next Question




And Skinkie's sentence at the end of all of his posts is called a signature. He doesn't type it in; he goes to his user profile and sets it up there to put it at the end of his post. Being a long time poster, I’d have thought you'd have known this.



I do know about signatures like many I have a signature myself. I was using his signature as an example of exactly what he accused me of multiple posting like skinkie included his signature to his letter I included my idea to my letter along with an entirely different post its no different to what he’s doing its not multiple posting its my idea that’s all.


Next Question



And just because you have the name Largo LaGrande doesn't mean you can do what you want



Lighten up Joshi Its a User name that is all this is a fan forum for Monkeys Island its only a name I choose. Almost all the fans from The Scum Bar have a user name of a Monkeys Island character.


Why would the name Largo LaGrande mean I can do what I want its make belief you Wally. What gives you the right to argue and irritate people for liking Monkeys Island?


Yes there are rules on this forum myself and the others abide by them because you can indeed get banned. You have virtually accused me of Spamming I wasn’t Spamming if you continue to make accusations and argue I am not arguing I will report you.


Next question



And also, unless it is actually your signature, using the words "Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande" isn't impressing or intimidating anybody, it just makes you look like a bonafide fanboy



"Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande"


This is a signature if you were an actual fan of Monkeys Island obviously you would of noticed its what he says at the beginning of the game Dahh!


Hello McFly that’s the whole point of the Scumm Bar and this themed forum were all fans you’re the only one who obviously looks stupid here. Now stop arguing and spoiling this area for threepwood3 he created the forum subject title What are the hopes for MI 5 ? Subject forum room.


"Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? what

So you got that job as janitor, after all."

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A long time forum poster would probably know about quoting as well.

Originally posted by Largo LaGrande


I actually said


I am not new have been a member of the Scumm Bar since it first started. And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island began. I have posted many things on this forum under my previous user name.


I Didn’t say since the release of Monkeys Island MI1, MI2 1990 you have added that although I have missed out the word "Forum" from the sentence. Here’s the corrected sentence


And I have been posting on this forum since Monkeys Island "forum" began.


Easy mistake to make, when you miss out vital words.



Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Next question


First Joshi the Correct spelling is before not EBFORE and you can post the same thing twice as long as it is relevant to you argument, or for use as an example and I was using it as an example of what I want to see in Monkeys island 5.


Sorry for suggesting that you posted twice, I was going on secondary data.

But you did say "There is no rule that says you are not allowed to post the same thing more than once." whereas in fact there is.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Obviously if your advertising or your subject is irrelevant to the site that’s not allowed or posting the exact same thing twice in the same place is not allowed but I haven’t done that.



Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Next question


Myself and everyone else on here have more enjoyable things to talk about Monkeys Island. Except you and your pal Skinkie who wish to continue to argue with people you stalk for posting opinions you disagree with. I have posted my idea for Monkeys Island 5 in two different subject rooms because I was asked what my idea is they were not the same post just the same idea within it.

Again, granted, but I was merely telling you the rules, I was not arguing. Your attitude in your posting seemed to be developing into a hostile nature towards Skinkie, who was also merely trying to tell you the rules.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Now Joshi or Skinkie threes a more serious rule in this forums if you haven’t noticed there’s no arguing and harassing. Opinions and disagreements on Monkeys Island Yes arguing about irrelevant subjects No.

I am not arguing or harassing, just putting down the rules.

Your words "Skinkie or shall I call you "Dude" If I want to post the same thing in 2 places I will I do what I want." seemed to convey a rebellious nature which we do frown upon here. You cannot simply "do what you want" without adhering to the rules.



Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

You have virtually accused me of Spamming I wasn’t Spamming if you continue to argue its not only ruining the idea of this Forum which is to talk about Monkeys Island your spoiling it for us devoted Monkeys Island fans and threepwood3 who created the Post subject What are the hopes for MI 5.


Again, I am not accusing you of spamming, just laying down the law and I doubt threepwood3 actually cares considering he doesn't post in this thread anymore as it has been dead for a long time before it was resurrected recently.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande


I do know about signatures like many I have a signature myself. I was using his signature as an example of exactly what he accused me of multiple posting like skinkie included his signature to his letter I included my idea to my letter along with an entirely different post its no different to what he’s doing its not multiple posting its my idea that’s all.

It actually isn't the same thing considering a signature is an automatic thing done by the forum whereas multiple posting is done by you (not an accusation, I’m using ‘you’ as the general term for everyone). But as you say, it was done in context along with other information, and this I do not object to and therefore you were not in the wrong there.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande


Lighten up Joshi Its a User name that is all this is a fan forum for Monkeys Island its only a name I choose. Almost all the fans from The Scum Bar have a user name of a Monkeys Island character.


Why would the name Largo LaGrande mean I can do what I want its make belief you Wally. What gives you the right to argue and irritate people for liking Monkeys Island?

You pretty much stated that you thought you could do what you wanted and seemed to adopt a personality close to that of your username.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Yes there are rules on this forum myself and the others abide by them because you can indeed get banned. You have virtually accused me of Spamming I wasn’t Spamming if you continue to make accusations and argue I am not arguing I will report you.


First of all, do not think of this post as an argument or accusation, I'm just setting the record straight , but if you feel you must report this post, by all means do so and vent your opinions to one of the other moderators on this site.


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande


"Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande"


This is a signature if you were an actual fan of Monkeys Island obviously you would of noticed its what he says at the beginning of the game Dahh!

No, a signature is something added onto the end of your post automatically by the forum. If you were to have put that in as your signature for the forum to put automatically, I wouldn't even have mentioned it, but you seem content on typing it in whenever you feel the need to "intimidate" somebody or make a joke. I am well aware of it's origin, I did not in any way say that you made it up (although reusing an old saying from a 13 year old game again isn't that smart unless it is actually a signature)


Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

Hello McFly that’s the whole point of the Scumm Bar and this themed forum were all fans you’re the only one who obviously looks stupid here. Now stop arguing and spoiling this area for threepwood3 he created the forum subject title What are the hopes for MI 5 ? Subject forum room.


"Your hemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? what

So you got that job as janitor, after all."


Since when did Mcfly come into this conversation, I see no reason you should be calling him stupid unless you show just reason to.


And old MI1 insults don't cut it either as suitable put down’s either, they’re just sad when used here.


I think I made a friend.





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Please in a polite way will you stop going on with this rant day after day its irrelevant to the subject of the Forum.


We all understand the rules and regulations and follow them abidingly. Myself and everyone else are only interested in talking about Monkeys Island related subjects.


Lucasarts like other top games companies have these forums on games so they can read what people think of games and get the ideas and suggestions of the fans. This is done so they can give us exactly what we want for sequel.


Lucasarts read them regularly, now I am not implying you but if there is constant arguing and irrelevant info on them then it’s ruining the quality of the forum and credibility of the posts.


Now end this nonsense and lets fill these posts with Monkeys Island Goodness.





"Your haemorrhoids are flaring up again, eh? What

So you got that job as janitor, after all."

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I was just trying to get my message across, I'll not say another word about it. Oh, and this is a fan site, I doubt any Lucasarts employees come here.


of course if you do have any more opinions on the matter of uestions about the rules, don't hesitate to go to the feedback forum or contacting me directly through personal messages.



Your Friendly Neighbourhood Moderator



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This is a Fan site and I can promise you, Fact Lucasarts do visit these forums for our ideas and views on Monkeys Island and they visit the other games forums available on Lucasforums for the same reason.


Another example of this is Smackdown5.com it is a fan site for Smackdown on PS2. I am a member of it and constantly post ideas for the new game on PS2 Smackdown V Raw and the Next Gen PS3 version.


The forum is constantly visited regularly buy THQ and all the ideas are gathered and incorporated into the game. All of the Big games companies do this.


Lucasarts use these Forums in exactly the same way.





"Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande"

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Good evening Mr Bond


I prefer to keep my previous username to myself because if i say what it was the idiot who kept sending me stupid emails will find out and he will strike again. I have attached my signature but thanks for careing. Do you have anything to say about Monkeys Island.




"Remember wherever you are on sea or land you can't hide from Largo LaGrande"

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Originally posted by Largo LaGrande

This is a Fan site and I can promise you, Fact Lucasarts do visit these forums for our ideas and views on Monkeys Island and they visit the other games forums available on Lucasforums for the same reason.


Another example of this is Smackdown5.com it is a fan site for Smackdown on PS2. I am a member of it and constantly post ideas for the new game on PS2 Smackdown V Raw and the Next Gen PS3 version.


The forum is constantly visited regularly buy THQ and all the ideas are gathered and incorporated into the game. All of the Big games companies do this.


Lucasarts use these Forums in exactly the same way.


Do yiou have any actual proof of this?


No seriously, I can believe that THQ visit that site you mentioned, but I really can't for one minute believe that LA visit here, because if they did, they know they would recieve the backs of our hands for cancelling Sam & Max 2.


It's a matter of fact, LucasArts, isn't THQ, as much as we'd like to think so, they're not as dedicated to their fans as THQ are and are way too busy.


If LA did care as much about it's fans as THQ do, then I'm pretty sure they'd come up with an official forum for us to express our views. It's a well known fact that LA get's their fan feedback from sales reports and financial overviews, which is why they cancel potentially good games in order to crap out another cheap starwars game.


Please don't take this post as being hostile against you.


I'm being hostile towards Lucasarts.






P.S. When I said "Oh, and this is a fan site, I doubt any Lucasarts employees come here.", I wasn't trying to spout another argument, I was just trying to tell you my opnion.

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I've never seen anyone who seemed to be from LucasArts on these forums. There is one guy from Raven who occasionally stops in the Jedi Knight forums, but that's different. He's there to help those with questions about modding. Also because he is from an official company a special tag has been attached to his name so people would be aware of this.


One good reason that the workers of LucasArts probably don't come here is the legal issues that arrise from using fan suggestions, in the same way song writers don't look at the music fans send them, LucasArts employees probably avoid the stories thier fans spout out.

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