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What are the hopes for MI 5 ?


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I don’t have any proof but checking fan feedback is the done thing now all of the big Games companies have adapted to this method of games making its the future.


Lucasarts are not as cool as THQ in the same way as I have seen THQ work for example myself and other Smackdown fans have suggested numerous great ideas for Smackdown 5 on Smackdown 5.com and noticed they were added to the game Smackdown 5 Here comes the pain.


I do believe they have PRs who do check out our feedback its used as a business tool just to watch us, they will not say this officially, because they would be to embarrassed to admit they read what we really think. But in my opinion until I see a positive change in Monkeys Island 5, like returning Monkeys Island to its most successful and most enjoyable format full 2D there will not be any proof of if they actually listen to what we want.


Joshi you’re a moderator but your talking as a fan to me not as a politician for example.


"Please don't take this post as being hostile against you". I'm being hostile towards Lucasarts.


"When I said, "Oh, and this is a fan site, I doubt any Lucasarts employees come here.” I wasn't trying to spout another argument, I was just trying to tell you my opinion"


Please you are apologising to people too much when airing your views, I am not offended by anything you or anyone else says unless it’s really offensive, and I hope it’s the same for everyone else. I will disagree with Lucasarts and other people’s opinions on a Monkeys Island from time to time and sometimes say they have Scurvy that’s all. So say please say what you feel and stop being to cautious of what you say or are that one of the rules as a moderator if so fine


See ya

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Actually most of what I say is very political of me considering you can never say to me that 1) I'm being hostile towards you and 2) I'm trying to argu with you.


By apologising and choosing my words carefully, i can never be held guilty of a lot of things many people would wish to accuse me of. If that's not being political, I don't know what is.


But mostly, I say what I say because I am not a politician, I am a person with my own opinions who is meant to govern this forum by making sure people know and abide by the rules and reporting those who continue to not abide by them to super moderators or if worse comes to worse, admin.


Also I am a fan, a fan of monkey island, which is one of the reasons I became a mod (that and the fact that I'm around a lot and I am sensible... and I slept with an admin, joke)


Basically, the main reason I "apologise" as I do is because there are some people on this board that think when I am airing my views, i am trying to pass them off as fact instead of opinion and get very offended. I'm not saying you do, but other people do, so I need to be very tactful when saying things. Good politicians do this a lot. Bad politicians do this all the time. I don't like politicians, but I am what I am.

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That exactly what I want although i would like the 2D graphics seen in MI1, MI2. Your yet another person that also wants to see MI5 goes back to Full 2D. The era of 2D story games was the most enjoyable and sucessfull era for me there were so many good story games back then. Monkeys Island 1 and 2, Indiana Jones And The Fate of Atlantis, Hook, The Curse of Enchantia, The Legend of Kyrandia, Maniac Mansion, Dark Seed 2, The Dig ect.


Monkeys Island 5 should definately be point and click 2D MI2 style. All of the 2D story games look much more detailed and its much enjoyable to play story games that side scroll.


I would also like to see them remake MI1 and MI2 in Full 2D but with Photo realistic Characters Photo realistic Scenery everything also added Voice overs and upgraded Music. It would be awesomely breathtaking and the ultimate tribute to the fans that still play them like ourselves and the genius Monkeys Island Creator Ron Gilbert. They could call it a special Edition I would definately buy it.

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Yea I just can stand using the keyboard in a MI game. If they do make a MI5 I think it would be a good idea to do it with a MI3 style. But I can understand from a marketing perspective to make new games in 3D. New people to the series probably wont think the game is any better than Spy Fox or other kiddie games. They wont take it seriously because they arent suped up with the Graphics of popular games now a days. So they probably wont sell as many games as they could because more people buy games by looking at the box then they do from reviews. But a game with less atractive graphics with a better story and gameplay is better than a game with bad story and gameplay but good graphics. I really enjoyed the MI1-3 but felt MI4 could have been better because I couldnt stand the gameplay. In conclusion MI should not be experienced in 3D. Leave the 3D to StarWars give us 2D Monkey Island.

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I agree that I definitely preferred the 2D games to EFMI and I would like MI5 to be in 2D, but what we want and what we'll get are two different things. If LucasArts were to make a new MI game, they would almost definitely do it in 3D, it's the only way they would actually make their money back, plus a little more. Think about it, most fans will buy it because any true fan would just want to see how the story ended, despite graphics and controls (they may not like it, like me, but I think they'd endure it to see how it ends) and plus, they'd get a whole load of new players to play it because everyone else loves 3D games, and the humour may appeal to them. That's annoyingly the way of it.


I don't agree with the remakes of MI1 and 2.

This is of course me, but this has been talked about before, and a great many other people have agreed with me. Of course people have agreed with your views as well.


But basically, my opinion is that I, and many other people, love the graphics as they are. To create photorealistic characters and backgrounds, and still keep in with the 2D feel we all like, we'd need and engine and the kind of graphics found in 'Syberia' (and just recently 'Syberia II', look them up if you've never heard of them, first ones a pretty good game, haven't played the second yet).


Now this may be nice, but MI1 and 2 have a very unique style to them that came about in the fact that the graphics were limited back then. Now if we could get better rendered backgrounds, but the ones still done by Tiller (Bill Tiller did all the backgrounds in high resolution first, but they had to be pixelated slightly to fit in with the resolution the game ran in back then, if we could get the original background back is what I'm talking about).


But the characters, just a few pixels across and unforgettable. So much more detail was added to these little guys than anyone thought you could get in just a small space and it was great, slight colour changes in one pixel could emote and expression and that was great. It was also great to still use a little imagination with these guys, as to what they actually looked like and so on. If they were rendered in 3D and so one, that would take away the fun of it and leave nothing to the imagination. I say keep

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Monkeys Island 5 going back 2D would be great I personally like i said I would be awsomly excited if they made MI5 in MI2 stlye 2D graphics. But if they decided MI3 Style 2D graphics for MI5 I would still be happy as long as they have Gybrush like he was in MI2 and not with the blond bofonted hair he hand in MI3. Also for MI5 I would like LeChuck to look like he looked in MI1, MI2 because he was way more frightenig and more detailed with his green face long black beard and brown trowsers compared to now.

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So why exactly did they make MI4 in 3D? Were they experementing or do 3D games sell more or what exactly? Why did LEC think MI needed such a make over? I dont know I just though with the success of the other games style why change? MI1 and 2 were top-of-the-line graphics back then. Did they think for sales like the first and second games they needed top-of-the-line graphics now?

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Some 3D games are sucessfull GTA 3,4,5 Gran Turisimo 4 Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater, Smackdown 5 ect. The reason these games work best in 3D thats the way they should be played. MI4 dident work well in 3D its not the way it should be played Lucasarts saw how sucessfull the above games were doing and thought MI4 in 3D would sell just as well as they do. They were wrong because it bombed, it dident last long in the offical top 10 Elspa Sales charts in fact MI1, MI2, MI3 lasted longer in the Offical Elspa Sales Chats MI1, MI2 were in the Offical Elspa Charts for years in the Amiga Days and MI3 has also a sucessfull title on the PC and therefore MI1, MI2, MI3 sold more than MI4.


Lucasarts dident realise that the MI games sucess isnt down to revolutionary Next Gen graphics. For MI Its all about a good strong storyline and respecting what the Huge MI fan base want and personally, MI works best in 2D it dosent mean it is less of a game just because its in 2D. Just look at the Huge Sucess Viewtiful Joe was winning some top awards selling loads and competing with the big names in Gameing for Number one in the chats, That is were MI was before it changed to 3D.


I dont know about what the games stores are like in your countries but back here in england you can still buy MI4 for PC, but you can no longer buy MI4 in the shops for the PS2, its very difficult to get in the shops, the only place is mail order websites like Amazon ect because MI4 bombed on PS2 in UK.


I thought what you said was absouloutly right and this sentance of yours is so true.


"I just though with the success of the other games style why change."


Correct change is what has ruined MI i put it down to Lucasarts no longer having MI genious creator Ron Gilbert and Co on board. And advanceing to next gen 3D.


See you around.

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I think good game reviews probably sell better than graphics. If LA just makes MI5 good they can probably sell games with the reviews on the front(so and so gives this game 10/10 stars). As long as LA manages to make the game good people will see its worth buying. All though society is getting more and more shallow requiring 3D graphics for a game to be worth buying. Perhaps LA can re-introduce classic 2D adventure games and be make some money from it.

Also since noone elese makes games of that genre fans of adventure games would be forced to buy MI5 if they want a fresh new game. There are plenty of adventure game fans. The sales from that should be enough to make MI5 worth making for LA.

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There are loads of companies out there still making adventure games, and some are pretty good. It's a safe bet that the upcoming sequel to The Longest Journey is very widely anticipated and Syberia 2 seems to be a very good game indeed.


Saying that, the adventure game fan base isn't as big as you'd think, if it was Lucasarts wouldn't think it was too low to sell their games, which is why they pulled the plug on Sam & Max 2.


The market is more open to 3D RPG's and action games. Therefore more companies make them, as they sell more.

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Why exactly arent adventure games popular now? I play other types of games now and then but I still feel adventure games are the best. Adventure is a type of game that have stories that make you curious about what the instalment will offer. LA need to promote the adventure games and get them back on the market(by which I mean MI in particular). I just dont understand why on earth people wouldnt be intersted in great a games like MI.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Pepper

Why exactly arent adventure games popular now? I play other types of games now and then but I still feel adventure games are the best. Adventure is a type of game that have stories that make you curious about what the instalment will offer. LA need to promote the adventure games and get them back on the market(by which I mean MI in particular). I just dont understand why on earth people wouldnt be intersted in great a games like MI.


The reason most people like 3D ation games over adventure games like MI despite the fact that you love adventure games like mi more is simply because they're not you. You can't really compare a person to yourself and say they're wrong for not being like you. The vast majority of gamers like 3D action games more than adventure games. I don't know why, but marketing figures and sales figures say this and so that's how things are. It's not a matter of opinion, it's a matter of fact.

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I dont think you understand what I was asking. I know people are differnt from me thats why I was asking the question. Your answer was too broad. Why they think action games are better than adventure? Why dont people like adventure games? What is offered in Action games that makes them so succesful and how can adventure games sell more? Thats all I was asking. The part about me liking adventure games was a bit extratopical. Sorry for the complication.

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Originally posted by Dr Edison 007

Well, if Sam & Max: Freelance Police was released adventures might of been on a comeback course right now because a humourous, light-hearted game like Sam & Max would be easier for the public to embrace than say, The Longest Journey.


I think Dreamfall is gonna rule, its the whole reason I played through the first one.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Pepper

I dont think you understand what I was asking. I know people are differnt from me thats why I was asking the question. Your answer was too broad. Why they think action games are better than adventure? Why dont people like adventure games? What is offered in Action games that makes them so succesful and how can adventure games sell more? Thats all I was asking. The part about me liking adventure games was a bit extratopical. Sorry for the complication.


All I was saying before is that you have different tastes to other people. I have many friends who like action games better than adventure games. I even know some people who hate adventure games. I don't share the opinion but I can see where they're coming from, action games can be about mindless action and shooting or beating up whomever you want without thinking, but thyey can also be about the sense that hey! I have a gun, or a bow and arrow, or sword, or something else I can't get in real life and do something with. I can kill people without getting arrestd for real and so on and so forth. Action games and RPg's let you do things you can't do in real life. people also enjoy learning curves and fast action and being able to show there skill. There really is no skill in adventure game, either you can do them, or you can't and you just keep trying until you can, and then you can. skill is something that can come and go and people can actually look at you killing 16 people with just a sword without dieing and say "wow, that's really good."


It's the sens of an accomplishment. You get the same thing from an adventure game, but it's different in an action game. maybe not better, but different, and some people enjoy it more than an adventure game.


And skinkie, the whole reason I played through the first is because I'm a slave to adventure gfames and someone said this one was good. they were right.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There HAS to be a MI5 or MI4 would have no sense in some speeches. Anyone who has it can see! Start a new game, and after you are in melee island go talk to the vodoo lady and ask her why is she there and follow that conversation. On some point of that conversation she will tell you that "maybe it is because i have an unbreakable 5 game contract with lucas arts" !!!!! :D:3headed::sweating::horn:

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Originally posted by X-qUiSiT

There HAS to be a MI5 or MI4 would have no sense in some speeches. Anyone who has it can see! Start a new game, and after you are in melee island go talk to the vodoo lady and ask her why is she there and follow that conversation. On some point of that conversation she will tell you that "maybe it is because i have an unbreakable 5 game contract with lucas arts" !!!!! :D:3headed::sweating::horn:


Translating Skinkies rather harsh words (kidding, I lvoed them) basically, what the voodoo lady said was just a joke, and at the time, they probably thought there would be an MI5, but chances are, there won'tbe, Lucasarts thinks that current market trends won't allow for a big profit from an adventure game, so they're rather cash in on more Star wars games.

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I think they've milked the Star Wars games enough to afford making another Monkey Island game. I didn't know until coming here that the next Sam & Max game was canciled (that's horrible!), and man-oh-man would I pay money to get my hands on a partially completed version of the game (or some of the scripts they wrote for the unreleased one).


I like the Monkey Island series enough I'd be willing to purchase two copies of MI5, as well as host a website to promote it. That's just me though. :)


There's always the hope we'll see another game in the series, our best bet is to send Lucas Arts some e-mails asking them about the future of the series and expressing interest. If they get, say, 30 e-mails from community members, it might make them think about it more seriously. They've probably pushed it off their 'to think about' list, and I think we owe it to ourselves to try out best to put it back into their minds and onto the drawing board.


Of course, the problem with e-mail is usually it's filtered out, and the people who read it are the ones who don't have any say in what games are produced. It's equally likely that the recipient doesn't know anything of the Monkey Island team, and only makes Star Wars games... but again, worth a shot.


If I see four other people here commit to sending a letter, I'll spend an hour or so writing up a letter too, as professionally as I can. :)

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No offense, but I think it would take alot more than 30 letters to convince them to even consider another Monkey Island game, considering the number of letters sent after Sam and Max's cancellation. They didn't even bat an eye to that. You'd need like 5,000 people to write letters to stir their attention. .... I wish I knew 4,999 people who would do that with me.....

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Ya, but I figure if it's 30 letters vs. zero, may as well make it 30.


Also, they say that 0.1% of people respond to a company or product, etc. That's 1 in 1000 people. Chances are good they only get one or two e-mails every couple weeks on any given topic, and boosting that number significantly could draw attention.


Oh well, no harm in trying.

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