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What are the hopes for MI 5 ?


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Firstly, it's true, there is not harm in trying, it's a complete waste of time, but no harm in trying. Skinkie was right, 30 emails is nothing, the adventure gaming community collectively sent a good 5-6 thousand emails because of what happened with Sam n Max, and this was accumulated after just a week of their annoucement, and not a dent was made. Beleive it or not, the Lucasarts PR get a lot more thna just "one or two e-mails every couple weeks", you said 1 in every thousand emails them regularily, now lets have a look at exactly how many thousands there are in the gameing world? Also, despite sam n max being old news, people are still being persistent in sending more and more emails to them, an extra 30 would just be a droplet in their sea of complaints.


Secondly, LucasArts haven't even come close to milking the Starwars franchise yet, there are plenty of crappy games to do yet and as long as they know they'll make money out of it, they're not gonna stop (and with the looming of episode 3 on the way, don't expect them to stop any time soon).


Finally the money that goes into a computer game these days is something in the region of a good quality hollywood film and in order to make that money back, they need to make sure that that money will come back in. An adventure game won't bring in as much money than an action game, so LucasArts will stick with that, they don't care about quality, they care about money. Monkey Island is the last thing on their mind. Sorry.

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They canned Full Throttle 2,They canned Sam and Max 2, I don't know what happened to Grim Fandango 2,maybe it was rumours,or....THEY CANNED IT TOO! Wouldn't get my hopes up for Monkey Island 5. They sacked most of their Adventuregamedesigners, and those who wasn't sacked,they left. But they started their own company. Read something about it in a Norwegian newspaper. Something about a game called "Vampire Story" or something. Keep your eyes and ears open:rolleyes:

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Grim 2 was never started, and therefore never canned, except maybe from a feasibility point of veiw (i.e., someone came up with the idea and they said no)


And here's a little more on A Vampye Story which involves 5 ex-Lucasarts Employes inculding Dave Grossman (involved in MI1 and 2 and others)


have a loot at this


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i think they should basically do it in "simulated 2D", i mean they should do a pNc which works 2d based from your point of view. but the environment should be done in 3d so you can change to angle which you view from (with some limitation, dependint where you are). but you move by point and click. this could be interesting.


or they make i really 2d (background and stuff) but with 3d characters, i mean the moves, the way they turn around and stuff. i would be bothered much if those were realized through nice and smooth 3d animations.

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Originally posted by RayJones

or they make i really 2d (background and stuff) but with 3d characters, i mean the moves, the way they turn around and stuff. i would be bothered much if those were realized through nice and smooth 3d animations.


I think that's what they're doing on a Vampye Story, 3D cel shaded characters. But the background will be in 2D, ala The Curse of Monkey Island (if you haven't seen the screenshots yet, go ahead, tehy're awsome, although the characters there are just placeholders for when they make them 3D)

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