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i noticed something, everything they say in the earlier games comes true, like in MI1 when the voodoo lady says guybrush will be in a giant monkey (he was in EMI)


so i thought that we should all look for stuff that was said, but hasn't happened yet


bets are it'll happen in MI5 ;)

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skinkie, you missed the point of my post...


i was talking about how they used things from past games, that one happened twice



we should look for more cryptic clues that MIGHT be part of a different game, and hey maybe some havent happened yet



and PS: he really wasnt inside a monkey, it was Hell... but then again that doesnt matter

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You know what, I think he's right, I think that when making MI1, Ron Tim and Dave sat down and said 'You know what, in about a decade or so, I think there should be a game whichc is the sequel to the sequel to the sequel of this game and guybrush should go into a giant monkey. we'll hint at it here and then leave a note.'


It could happen.


No, seriously, reading invisible writings doesn't work in this world. And I doubt that the makers of EMI found that one line in MI1 interesting enough to make it a major pot point (or plot hole) in their game. In fact, I doubt the makers of EMI even played MI1.

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Originally posted by audio

even if it is fiction. ;)


What, you mean Monkey Island is real?


Sorry, couldn't resist (and just for you info, there is an actual Monkey Island of the coast of Ireland I think, small place where some big nob did something, or had a holiday home or something)


But yeah, if you realy want to do something like that, I'd suggest writing fan fiction. This could actually be good as it would make a nice story and good fanfic is hard to come by these days.

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  • 1 month later...
Originally posted by Joshi

You know what, I think he's right, I think that when making MI1, Ron Tim and Dave sat down and said 'You know what, in about a decade or so, I think there should be a game whichc is the sequel to the sequel to the sequel of this game and guybrush should go into a giant monkey. we'll hint at it here and then leave a note.'


It could happen.


No, seriously, reading invisible writings doesn't work in this world. And I doubt that the makers of EMI found that one line in MI1 interesting enough to make it a major pot point (or plot hole) in their game. In fact, I doubt the makers of EMI even played MI1.

They don't plan it out 10 years ahead of time. They sit down while doing the game, and they could think, why don't we connect something from the past to this story. It's not that hard of a concept. I don't think that's what they did, but it would certainly work.
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Originally posted by Neikron

They don't plan it out 10 years ahead of time.


I, in no way, was being serious when saying that. It's what we on planet earth call a joke, or sarcasm, both of which you failed to see.


And yes, it could certainly work, I just doubt they did do that considering it was twisted in so many gut-wrenchingly stupid ways (like giant monkey robots for one). I mean, they did link the whole Jojo Jr being the son of the monkey we left hanging in MI1 (although I was always under the impression that JoJo was the piano playing monkey is MI2 that works as a convinient monkey wrench) and of course the whole Carla/Otis being stranded (of course for that to work, Herman would have to come back with us to Melee, and according to MI4 he didn't), but something like a one liner that was fulfilled in the end of MI1 (she says we end up inside a giant monkey, we expect to end up in a giant monkey, we end up in a giant monkey, all in the space of one game) probably wouldn't fend to well as a prophecy three games later.


Saying that, this thread is not redundant (or else I would have closed it) and it's still up for discussion (if anyone cares) about things that weren't exactly fulfilled in the previous games but may be put into MI5.

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Does any one know in MI4 how Guybrush says that he cant die because he has a 5 game contract? I dont know if they thought they were going to make a sequel at the time MI4 came out or it was a joke to torment the closest fans of the series. Any way I hope that was relevent enough to this post.

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HAHA. Sorry I havent read much of the other posts. I just look for one that looks kind of interesting and read the last post then type peices of my infinate MI wisdom and lore(hehe). Any way im kinda new on this so I havent been caught up with all the stuff on this site. Sorry for being repeditive and uninformant.

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Originally posted by Sgt. Pepper

Its not completely worthless to resurect threads. Ill try not to but I always seem to get a good conversation out of you where ever I post. Even in week old threads. :)


I usually have something to say. Today I don't.

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