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The Great Star Wars Cover Up


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Dear Forum Goers,


We've all dispised Lucasarts for a long time due to their shortage of adventures and a lot of crappy Star Wars games. Some even want to sue them. A few people have pressed charges due to some nasty rumors of a sex scandle involving Star Wars characters touching young boys. Yes, we've all heard about Yoda being frightenly attcactive to his apprentice, Qui Gon Ginn, and Darth Vador claiming that he turned to the Dark Side because Obi Wan molested him. Well, those rumors may be true. Last night I found a very shocking piece of evidence at the "Low Rider Show" in New Mexico that could consern Jedi Masters around the universe. Here is that evidence:




I think we have a case here. Think about it. We just use this thing in court, and BAM! Mr. Lucas is done.

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