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Messeges: Episode 3

Guest Rogue9

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Guest Redwing

I doubt that would work. In the first place, it could take years to even get the planet with the repulsor in range. Secondly, we need a better idea of what we are up against before we try anything.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

ok so we need more information. what could we use that can quickly get in and out alive with some new information?

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Guest Redwing

I may know a person who can...



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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*Drops out of hyperspace in a squadron of cloaked Jade Defenders near Imladil's damaged A-Wing*

Goyin to squadron: Target the A-Wing, but don't shoot until we determine if he's hostile or not. (OOS comment, why come up with a new name right?)

Squadron: Targetted sir.

To A-Wing: This is Jade Squadron identify yourself. We have no hostile intentions, unless you show any against us.


The hull of the Jade Defenders are made of quatum reinforced armor, plasma shields, advanced lasers that pulsate and Grenan made specalized fuel. On top of the quatum armor, it's plated with a mix of jade and chromium to give it a beautiful shine and reflecting look. Think a longer V-Wing, a sleeker sharper cockpit, the wings are curved up and it's a starfighter not a airspeeder. It's capable of going about 500x the speed of light. It can cloak too smile.gif BTW I never figured it out but how fast is a regular hyperdrive engine? I'll play a very minor role, like dropping by every now and then until I figured out what I feel like doing.




There are two types of people who use the Force. There are the ones who let's the Force guide them and there are the ones who abuse the Force. Which one are you?


[This message has been edited by Grand_Admiral_Ice (edited April 11, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Grand_Admiral_Ice:


The hull of the Jade Defenders are made of quatum reinforced armor, plasma shields, advanced lasers that pulsate and Grenan made specalized fuel.




Grenanian technology wouldn't be available to anyone here without interdimensionial travel technology, (as Grenania is closer to Terra than here), so what are you doing with their technology? (you stole my design specs...)



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

[ensign] cmdr. Halcyon so you read

[halcyon] go ahead ensign

[ensign]sir, the comandos have returned form kdy with your information and th transport have completed the mission to mykyr.

[halycon]excelent have correlian start production on those plans right away. have them purchase some quantum armor off the black market and construct a bridge sheild for it would you? and set up 863,185 sparti containers on ukio alon with thos ysalamri

[ensign] yes sir!

[halycon] halycon out


cmdr. horn: say, Kieran isn't that the amout of crew required for an eclipse class star destroy


kieran: why yes, yes it is.

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With in the dark reaches of his base, Rogue3 (or if some one gives me a Name)ponders what to do with this new super weapon.


Rogue3: I can not belive Roguefett had this kind of weapon, I wounder what he might have done with it if I haden't killed him?, I almost feel remorse for those pilots that I killed, but their ships will come in handy, I never thought this machine could make a gavity pull strong enough to rip a ship apart, I wounder what elise this wonderful toy can do. I think I will test it on KDY, I have an old friend to take care of. mwhahahahahahahaha!

****out of story********

I think I should get a name, what do you guys think? sorry nine but I have to do this, after all I am the bad guy now biggrin.gif



Roll the TIEs and Light the skies.


[This message has been edited by Rogue3 (edited April 11, 2001).]

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Guest Redwing

OOS: Bravo, 3! Not bad! biggrin.gif


BTW, remember that this weapon can twist reality (read my first post in Ideas, and Messeges One). ---And about that, I vote we say RogueFett was the one who screwed up reality in Messeges One (Sorry Imladil...) out of some twisted desire to control the original characters' lives without their knowledge. The "Dark Side Barney" happened when Fett left the weapon for a while, and it malfunctioned and used his brain waves to create extra-dimensional manifestations. ( wink.gif )




At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Rogue9


I second the motion biggrin.gif




[Horn to Fleet Cmdr.] Admiral jump a portion of the fleet to the dark side of planet J-327, they will be able to observe the weapon while cloaked in the planets gravity field.


[Flt. Cmdr. to Horn] yes my lord

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Guest Redwing

I hate to be a pessimist, but Gray Squadron had technology that cloaked it more effectively than a gravity field could have. It didn't do them much good.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Originally posted by Rogue9:

ah, so there are somethings you don't know about my fleet, I suggest you kill your intell staff. biggrin.gif


Umm..clarify whom you're addressing, please.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Redwing

Did I ever mention your fleet or knowing anything about it at all?



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

it's ok you guys settle down. r9 probably said that because you know alot of stuff and correct people when they are wrong. don't take it offensively.

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***************Out of Story**********

After much talk with Rogue9, I have decided to call my self Janson!, the evil guy in this RPG is Janson, also If you remember in the Episode2 I had a lightsaber and had Force abilities, so I still have these (or if some one puts up an argument, Nine I'm looking in your driection!) so I guess this would make me SITH! or JEDI well see how the story goes.




Roll the TIEs and Light the skies.

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