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Messeges: Episode 3

Guest Rogue9

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Guest Aaron Celchu

Officer: Celchu, we have new readings on sensors! Some sort of strange energy is headed straight for Corellia, and the repulsor burst has vanished!

Aaron (too self): Halycon...what have you done?

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Guest Rogue9's Assasin Droid

Programs Comprimised, Comince Self Destruct.5..4...3....2.....2.5......1........0.....*<FONT SIZE=6>BOOOOOOM!!!

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Guest Rogue9

Good thing know one knows where my system is, I'm safe if you'd like to retreat R.A. I could send in some evac transports.

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Guest Rogue9's Assasin Droid

I Am Assasin Droid Mark two, what is your command Lord Horn.


tech Note...Droid not equiped with standard transmitters or recievers. biggrin.gif

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Guest Rogue9

think you know who your dealing with



"One RIng to Rule them All, One Ring to find them, One Ring to Bring them All, And in the Darkness Bind them"

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Guest Redwing



*ships drops out of the interdimensional traveling stream* Computer, locate Terra on the star map 100657*MW. Search immediate locale for human anomaly energy signature designate T-y473-77*895.

Computer: Location confirmed. Subject located. Planet: galaxy-designate Terra, usual inhabitant-designate Earth.

*sets hyperspace coordinates to Terra*



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

not to fear commander horn.

the planetary repulsor travels through hyperspace and uses it's speed of impact to destroy things. I have a solution to save corellian and centerpoint biggrin.gif


ceneterpont: sir, it appears our blast has not arrived at the destenation......wait sir, we are picking up that the blast is coming back towards us at an alarming rate!! sir, we will be destroyed alon with the system!


halycon: settle down center point we'll be fine. this is our technology not theirs. we know how it acts. set up an interdiction field for the system 100% power


centerpoint: but sir, we are dealing with a weapon not a ship. how would prevent things from entering or traveling int hyperspace stop it.


halycon: the blast travels through hyperspace. if we prevent it from doing that the blast is harmless. do it!


centerpoint yes sir, our circuits are unharmed in that area. interdiction field

up and running at 100%


haylcon:good now watch out you window to see something never seen before.


*a green blast comes out of hyperspace heading straight for centerpoint and correlia then suddenly comes to a slow as it hits the interdiction field*


haylcon: good it's working


*the blast comes to a halt a couple of km away from centerpoint. it appears to be held in time and space then it looks as if it is to almost float appart. the blast dissapates and disolves into space leaving everybody in the system un harmed*


a sigh of relief is heard throught the system



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Guest rebel alliance

***out of story***

like heck I am going to let my base and pride be destroyed biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by rebel alliance (edited April 21, 2001).]

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Droid: Sir we are preapered to Launch our crafts and attack corrillea, shall I have your personal ship the Fire Hawk(my corellian YT-2400, with mods)on stand by?


Janson: no but prepare Hawk's Nest (My flag ship a SSD, with mods

Droid: You will be going?

Janson: Yes I will personely destory The Alliance! and all its affliates that do not join me!



Roll the TIEs and Light the skies.

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Guest rebel alliance

one day comander haylcon was meditating and he saw a vision from the force. he pictured a great battle in the corellian system but did not see the outcome as all ships were unkown.




fleet comander Celchu and cmdr. Horn ready your fleet and come to corellian imediatley. I have a feeling I will be attacked soon. That thing has attacked me twice in a row and I have a felling he will try again... but harder.

I have taken precotions for the certain attack. corellia has completed construction on the full complement of ground attack and starships to accompany the eclipse SSD in my posetion. I have repaired centerpoint and it is full operational. superlasers are up and running. the planetary sheilds now have an extra huge geneator that doubles the strength of them and can with stand the blast of multiple super laser. each generator is sheilded by another sheild and the generator that powers those ones are in a secret location somewhere in the system well protected. Vigilance III is above system requirement specs for performance. although my fleet and planet are very strong I fear this being that I know will attack me soon is formidable. I require your assistance now. If our alliance is broken up there is no chance we can defeat him. team work is what we need

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Guest Rogue9

I send some reinforcments, but they will wait outside of the system, entering in time to save the day. <FONT SIZE=1>and make me look good. biggrin.gif

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Guest Redwing



Back in Story:

*Aaron Celchu has just finished giving his report to Trael*

T: Aaron, if you can, try to keep them alive. Unfortunately, although I am impressed with Haclyon's tactics so far, I honestly believe he stands no chance. Some of my underworld contacts have told me a little about this weapon. From what I hear, it can completely twist and turn reality inside out, figuratively speaking. If this is true, conventional defenses won't do much good for long.

A: Do we have a chance?

T: There's always a chance, Celchu. Your father should have taught you that. Trael out.


OOS wink.gif


*Trael comes out of hyperspace in the Sol system*



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest Aaron Celchu

*sets fleet hyperspace coordinates to Corellia* I just hope we don't all die there.




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Guest rebel alliance

haylcon: *uses the force to locate treal wherever he is*

"treal can you hear me?"

treal: what the h...

haylcon:it's haylcon.

treal: oh it's you

haylcon: I have reiforced my base but I fear i will lose seeing the capabilities of this weapon so far. If you can destroy that weapon before he arrives we could stand a chance if not we will lose many lives. the base should be nearly empty as I pictured it in one of my visions. please treal, hurry


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Guest Rogue9

The weapon Reality distortion uses the force to function, I have developed a technology that replicates a yasalmirs effect on to force and I have begun to dploy it on my ships, because it is a mechanized technology it can be turned on and off, unfortuantley because of the sensetive nature of this technology I will not distribute it, rather I shall place poicket ship through out correlian space to stop the weapon from being effective there. if you wish my assistance in this matter you must respond via encrypted transmition.

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Guest Redwing

*communicating through Haclyon as he hasn't closed the connection yet* We don't know that for sure; we only know that its operator is using the Force to control it. It could very well not even be of this dimension, and the Force does not exist in many other dimensions.



At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi.

At last we will have revenge.

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Guest rebel alliance

R2, create an encripted message *beep* ok good record this message *beep* greetings comander horn. this is comanander haylcon. I am very interested in you solution to the problem. are you saying this that this 'force stopper' will stop the weapn? and that one ship will protect my corellian system from the weapon?

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