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Trojans, Spyware, default-homepage-network redirection

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All of the above are what I get when I visit X-Wing Alliance.Net or Rogue Squadron.Net, and don't close the web dialog that appears as part of the window (so do not tell me I just need a popup-blocker) within two freaking seconds.


At first there were only a couple trojans in the web dialogs, but within the past two weeks it's become about a dozen Trojans, and my home page is changed to the infamous adware/spyware laden default-homepage-network home site, which upon visitation just LOADS your computer with various nasty stuff.


Hm...what else happened two weeks ago? Oh that's right! Two weeks ago was when Chris said he'd contact UGO about the trojans in their popups. Is this their way of saying "HEY VALUED CUSTOMERS! **** YOU! WE DO WHAT WE WANT!"?


I think maybe LF needs a change in advertisers.

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