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Duel of the Duals


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Krea is walking. Fast. Almost a run. But hes not trying to... the power surging in him is enhancing his every ablity.


Dan Re seems to be... speeding up. Krea is not surprised. just like it said in the scrolls... he is next.



In the universe, Krea T'mRek is legend. He has been around for 2000 years, but only by rumor. He is said to have killed many being, both dark and light. Nothing has withstood him, and he has only become more powerful. Some say it is the drive of power that keeps him going... some say he is the pure manifestation of the Dark Side. In every dimension he has been in, Krea has taken on the ways of the people. In this dimension he is a Dark Jedi with immense power. but has he always been one? no one is sure... But that is only a small peice of the story.



Krea's custom TIE Interceptor is his latest version of inter-dimension travel. With a custom built IDRG, Krea can jump from dimension to dimension. He has previously had other ways to jump, but in the last few years, he has aquired his Interceptor. Though only a few people know it, Krea has been jumping dimensions for far longer than 2000 years. He has been searching for the Darkness that calls him, from dimension to dimension. He has been on his journey for far longer than the 2000 years he has spent in this dimension...



After a long time searching, Krea has come closer than ever to finding to next peice of the puzzle. Here, in this city, he may just find the link to the next dimension where he will continue his jorney.



The scrolls say that Krea is destinef to find pure darkness one day. but they also say he will find this darkness while standing next to another... who will find pure light at the same time. Before this can happen, however, the one from the Light Side must fall to the darkness, and the Dark Side one succumb to the light.




krea looks over at Dan Re. Is it really him...

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Dan-Re is unconsciously walking faster as more and more power absorbs itself into him. Although he is completely silent, a battle is taking place inside of him; a battle of nameless, conflicting voices.


The darkness is closing in. Cannot you feel it?


His mother's dying words...Stay in the light, Darren. Stay in the light....


Beware the dark...its call is powerful...but it can only lead to death...


Stay in the light.


Suddenly, a new voice, startlingly harsh:


Do not fear the darkness! Embrace it! It will make you powerful...and power is what you want...what you NEED...


His father speaks in his memory. You Jedi wish to put everything in its little place, black and white, light and dark. But we all know that the world comes in shades of grey.


The mysterious warnings of Jedi old as time...Run from the darkness, TueReche.


Fear the future. Fear what it holds for you.


Stay in the light.


You are destined for many things...great things. But, Darren, great things are not neccessarily...good things....


His own voice speaks from his memory. [if only I had the power...to change...to right every misdeed...to heal every wound...to avenge the wronged...


"Beware the dark side."


Dan-Re moves forward as quickly as Krea, an unconscious urging taking hold of him.

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*On the other side of the town an amnimal enters. With a Young Jedi on his back.*


Well my friend .. i can still use my powers to hide myself. heh..


*He gets of the animal and pulls his gear off. he sets his packs sown in a nearby house.he checks his guns. and he pulls his thermal detonators out of its protective bags. hangs them on his belt.*


Now go my friend.. thank you fro every thing.

Now i see that the shuttle has not yet left the village. lets pay a visite to them shall we.


*Corzip walks threw the dead town. and gets around a corner to find the Imperial landing craft still there with the Imps still packing theyre stuff. He walks in to the open sight of the imps.*


Hey guys!!! what are you doing? That doesnt belong to you all ... you know!


*The Imps see him. 2 stormtroopers draw theyre blasters without asking questions. in one quick move, Corzip activates his lightsaber and deflects the blasts. he takes one hand of the saber and draws one of his blatsers and with well put shots he lays down the stormies. This all happens in a split second. the other Imps just watch with open mouths. A group of 8 Stormies come running down the ramp. Corzip deactivates his saber and gets his other blaster in to his hands and rapidly starts firing at the stormies while evading evry shot they fire. While firing he also fires at the shuttle and the other crew that is standing outside. after getting everybody outside the shuttle.. he puts his blasters away and picks up 2 thermal detonators. he throws them up the ramp and they explode with great magnitude. a few more people walk down the ramp. Corzip re-activates his saber and lashes out at the people coming down the ramp. after that he walks up the ramp and looks at the destroyed inside cargo hall. he takes another detonator and throws it in to the cockpit.

it blows up.*


Well... that is that... he is not going anywhere. haha. lets look for him outside.


*He walks down the ramp and into the open field. and there he is. Ogken is standing there. and he doesnt seem very happy.*

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well.. i know Saber... but you your self threw half the rules you made up out of the window.. so i thought... if he haves a problem he will tell.... and like i do not know that blasters cant kill a Jedi... ofcourse i will not use it against OGKen...... im not THAT stupid :D.

Buts supose that Jared doesnt show up anymore.... can i make my own story up for him... and i promise i wont make it a short one.

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So Ogken, You dont seem very happy you know. Did i do something to upset you?? I only stopped evil people from stealing stuff. Is that wrong? You know you should realy talk more. it would help you get over your anger moments.


*Ogken just stood there with his angry looking eyes. *


well.. not realy the talking one in your family are you?

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*Ogken smiles* Young fool. They are expendable. I have hundreds. As for the shuttle? he waves his hand. The burning shuttle disapears and in its place, a shuttle taking off. Corzip looks up. His thermal detonater is in the air, unexploded. Ogken heaves it into the forest with the force.

You are an angry young man....yes...yes...I can feel you rage...It seems as if you will be turned to the dark side with ease. But I think I would rather kill you! Consider yourself dead young, jedi. *Ignites lightstaff and lunges for Corzip* startled, Corzip trips. Ogken jumps over him and laughs. You are pathetic....you lack training. But I will give you a chance to live. Kill Dan-re, and I will let you live. If not; I'm wasting my time and I might as well cut you to peices. So whats it going to be?


You have 20 seconds to decide.

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*Corzip kicks his foot against Ogken chest and kicks him off him. Corzip stands up and lets the force flow threw him.... he unbuckels his belt with the blaster cases and lets it fall to the ground. he clips all his weapons off him besides his Lightsaber. he holds it in his hand without activating it.*


And why do you think i will betray a fellow Jedi?? why do i not just fight you and kill you where you stand??


*he reviews his last sentence. "oh no!" he thinks. "im truly filled with hate. im realy on the verge of breaking down to the darkside.

What did Master Yoda say about this. the dark side is easier.

I have to be aware of my feelings... are my feelings right when i kill him. when i kill him... do i kill him out of revenge or out of pretection for other people? better watch myself"

he looks up at Ogken. he takes the defencive position. and drops his light saber.

he falls to his knees.*


Master Ogken. im sorry to have troubled you. i will do as you demand of me!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

*Ogken Laughs at the Young Jedi.*



You fool. I knew you couldnt handle me.


*Ogken walks up to the boy.

Ogken gets close and then Corzip lets the force flow threw him and grabs the Lightsaber and activates it and lashes out at Ogken. unfortunatly Ogken anticipated the Jedi's move and activated his Lightsaber just in time to reflect the blow of it.*



HAHAHAHAHA! You think you can get me?? HAHAHAHA!



Yes! I do think i can get you. It is just that you are to selfish and to sure of yourself that you can not see your own mistakes!


*Corzip drops to his knee and Ogken lashes at the Lightsaber. In the same time Corzip draws his vibroblade knife and sticks it in the leg of Ogken. Ogken doesnt say a word or screams at all. But he does step back.*



That was not funny.


*Ogken gets madder and madder. Corzip feels the dark energy flow around him. But Corzip draws more energy from the nature around him and begins his wirlwind of the light side of the force.

Ogken steps a bit back. He did not expect such a power was in the young man.

Corzip looks to the sky and closes his eyes. he stretches out his arms. The wind takes up incredible power.

Than corzip drops the vibroblade. and lowers his arms and takes his head to face the ground. the wind stills. Suddenly he looks up with his eyes and activates his Lightsaber.*



Prepare to fight!


*Ogken smiles. he re-activates his Lightsaber. and waves Corzip over. and direct he enables both blades on his saber.

Corzip runs over with great speed and lashes out at Ogken. He anticipated every move but not THAT quick. Corzip keeps pounding at him and he gets more and more power from the flora and fauna around him and he grows stronger by the minute.

he lashes out at the saber, and while doing that he lets his saber grow a couple of inches almost slicing threw Ogkens nose. He evades the next lash. but the next one is hard and the other ones are getting harder and harder to evade and block.*


*after a few minutes of pounding at each other they break of the attack. Ogken looks a bit tired. But Corzip looks unbeatable.*



How do you do that?



You asumed to much. and you thought i was a push over. i trained all my live for the day against the Sith. Did you realy think i haddend improved over the years??


*Corzip closes his eyes and attacks again without even opening his eyes. Ogken evades and lashes out and hits a bit of Corzips left arm. The flesh burns closed. But corzip doesnt notice it. he lashes out and kicks Ogken in the stumake. Ogken jumps back and lookes where Corzip should be. Then Corzip lands behind him stretch his saber out at Ogken in the middle of his gest.

Ogken looks at Corzip at drops to his knees. Ogken smiles at him.*



It was still a pleasure of killing your parents! HAHAHAHAHA!


*Corzip lashes out and cuts of Ogkens head. It roles away. and his body explodes in a wave of dark energy.

Corzip covers his eyes. *



Well ....... that...... wasnt....... so......... bad......!


*Corzip drops to his knees. Totaly tired. he has no energy left in his body. Yet he stands up and walks away.*

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*Ogken smiles.* well, that was easier than I expected. That young jedi has true powers. He almost convinced me that he would be easily turned to the dark side. But it apears it will be harder than I thought. There will be another time, Corzip. *He waves his hand*. The exploded parts of his body waver and disapear. "but for now, I must report to Krea." he ignites the shuttles's engine's and flys off.





ps: nice try wraith but i let u kill me on purpose :D was it fun?

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Krea stands with dan re at the face of a huge stone arc. byond this arc is the last force barrier lies. beyond this is the truth. Krea looks at Dan Re... he is perfectly calm. But in his calmness, he has changed. He is no longer the pure jedi of when this journey began. He has been infected. this is the last step.




Not far behind them, the remaining force of Ogken flows toward the city. In this form he is no more than a spectator. At least until Krea supplies a new dark host. Unfortunatly Ogken requires peice of his previous host to dwell in a new one, and the new host must be young. no older than 20 cycles. Before the change can be made, he must show Krea where he was killed. And his prefered host...




Krea motions for Dan Re to begin walking again. as the two head towards the barrier, Krwa utters the only words he has spoken since this began- "Take it in stride. This is only the begining."

They both pause, look into the arc, as Dan re reaches out towards the barrier he connot see... but he can dread.

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*Corzip walks threw the village..... and feels the presence of Ogken... he turns arround and sees the shuttle take off....*


That darn Sith.... when will they finnaly be extinct??


*he walks on.... he finds the animal he was riding here.. he gets his stuff together and gets on the animal and rides of... he uses a bit of his power to regenerate his power and the rest to conseile him in the force.. so that he cannot be detected.

He dissapears into the dark forrest.*

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Krea and Dan Re pass through the barrier at the same time.


AT first, there is no change... then suddenly




A white light ignites the air


Krea T'mRek levitates, reaches out his limbs violently into an x, and screams a deep, gut wrenching cry.


Dan Re is also hurled into the air, and is subjected to the same effect, only his cry is that of horror, not of power, like Kreas...



Krea fells it. The power. Its so immense... he is now ten times stronger than he was before. He has reached the next level.


Dan Re falls to the ground next to Krea like a rag doll. He is silent... then gets up onto one knee. Dan Re looks up at Krea and...



Krea throws his head back- IT IS BEGUN!

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Dan-Re stares up at Krea. Sheer power runs like an electric current through them, around them, and between them. Krea's face is transformed with ecstasy. Dan-Re, however, is filled with horror at the immensity of the dark power. He has an urge to yell at Krea You fool! You'll be destroyed! Stop now before it's too late! But as the words enter his mouth, something else in his mind stops him. Why do I care? I want him to be destroyed! The filthy murderer! My wish for him is for him to suffer the most painful death imaginable!! I hate him! I HATE HIM!!!


The insistent voice in his mind goes completely unheeded...


Beware the dark side

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