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Duel of the Duals


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*The shuttle lands by the force barrier*

A squad of stormtroopers run out, blasters ready, followed by a single trooper. The trooper waves his hand at the squad and tells them to leave. The walk back into the ship and ignite the engines, speeding off out of the atmosphere. The trooper yells out, "Come out corzip, i know you are here!" he reaches into his bagpack and pulls out a small cylinder. The saber ignites with a flash of light. "Come out Corzip!" Lets finish this!!


(I can posses a life form with no force abilities, but I need Krea to posses a force able body)

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*Corzip walks out of the bushes. he looks at Ogken.

he looks at Corzip with contempt.

he looks at him as if he was a push over.

Corzip smiles by that thought. but he soon looked serious. he let the force flow threw him. he feels his power growing again.*


'Damn i wish i had my second lightsaber with me'. he thinks*

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*Corzip was surounded by a light orange aura. you could just feel the power he was giving off. He walked up untill 4 meters of Ogken. Corzip had his eyes closed and his head down on his chest.

Then he opened his eyes and turned it so he just could see Ogken.

Corzip was feeling nervous. that last fight took a lot of him. but he had plenty of time to recharge his powers. he felt ok.*


So Ogken. you refuse to die hah? if you were just a normal man, i would knock you out and take you to the authority.

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*Ogken is very quiet. He looks at Corzip. Corzip feels that Ogkens powers are increasing. but Corzip still feels that his own powers are well matched against Ogkens.*


*Ogken steps closer to Corzip and looks him staright in the eyes.*



Well Young Corzip. How you have grown.



The more better i hope. and the only thing that will grow on you are the flowers on your grave.


*Corzip wanted to swing at Ogken, but at the last moment he decided not to.'A jedi uses his powers for defence and protection. Never for Attack'.*

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((OOC: it has been one month since Jareds last post...))


*Corzip slashed back at Ogken to keep him away. but the young jedi had some trouble to keep the speed of the Sith under control.*


You know for a dead man, you move pretty quick


*Ogken only smiled while he kept fighting CorZip.

Corzip tried to make a slash at Ogken, but the Sith kept pounding on him so that Corzip had no way to make an attack.*

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Meanwhile, back in the Force:


Krea feels... but not the same as before. He remembers his dark nature... he can feel it. But he cannot use it. he feels weak... he feels as if his mind is reaching out all arond him, wanting to learn...




Wait, i am not trying to learn... i am trying to help!




krea feels out of control of his force... his selfish Dark force cannt break through, it does not share with the other entities.


Krea feels fear for the first time ever... when he gazes towards Dan Re.

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Dan Re has transformed. He exudes pure evil. Hidden in his heart, he has always wanted power---power to do anything, to change anything, to make everything right, or so he told himself. Now his secret powerlust was fulifilled, beyond his wildest dreams. And now, he didn't care anymore about those foolish ideals of his...he didn't need them! He had ultimate power! ULTIMATE POWER! Why had he ever cared about those stupid souls in the first place? They were puny fools! Now he would rule them all! Or better yet, destroy them! Oh, the delight of this new power! The universe was HIS!!


The dark nature expanded with the surge of dark power. Dan Re felt even more delight as his dark awareness told him that Krea's power was being sapped away. He looks in Krea's direction with utter contemptuousness. What a weak little fool! Was he even worth the gesture of Dan Re squashing him like a bug? He stared at Krea's face and relished the fear he sensed there under his opponent's mask. A sneer played over his now twisted features as he contemplated the former dark master struggling on the ground with some invisible force in his mind. What a puny insect! And here Dan Re was finally in possession of the ultimate power in the universe! With his supposed greatest opponent groveling on the floor in fear! FEAR! He threw his head back and laughed, and laughed some more as his new dark powers continued to surge upwards.


Something in his mind tried to tell him that while the force Krea was struggling with was filling him anew with light power as dark power drained from him. But who cared. Krea could have all the pathetic light power he wanted. Dan Re would still just crush him like an ant when he felt the need.


Behind the two warriors, the light being and the dark being stepped back to observe their work.


[edit: For inaccuracies---what S1DC said]

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Krea will not loose.


This is not what he wants.


He begins to fight the force... but realizes something.


Being of good force does not mean he cannot be evil.., have evil in him. Light Force is not controling, like Dark Force is. His temperment comes back... despite his nagging feeling that he must save something and do good. He feels less angry... and his control grows. instead of his normal straight, evil face under his mask... he smiles. he can win.



(REDWING: Krea wears a mask. you can;t see my face. change your post to say he sensed my fear or something... not saw it on my face.)

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*Ogken was still hammering Corzip with the blows. suddenly Corzip stepped aside quickly and put his foot out. The sith tripped over the foor and rolled away. But Corzip didnt swing at him.

Ogken looked at him with suprise. Corzip just had a chance to kill Ogken.....but he didnt. The sith smiled and attcked again.

Corzip again side slipped and this time kicked the sith with high force away from him. Then Corzip stretched out his hands and deactivated his saber. he closed his eyes and started to scream out loud. His scream got loader and loader and Ogken covered his ears..... A huge Force storm started to rise from the sky and the scream of Corzip was heard over the entire planet.

The storm was increasing in intensity and it got hard to look threw it. A lot of dust arissen from the ground and was whirling in it. Ogken felt that withing the eye of the storm, Corzip was growing in power.

And he kept growing in power.....*

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