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KOTOR 2 Character names right?


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Originally posted by FiEND_138

Whoops forgot to mention this will only work on Manaan. The space suits your stuck with a snails pace.


That's OK with me the space walk is short anyway. :D


But underwater on Manaan is just where you need a bug like that most.

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Originally posted by RedHawke

That's OK with me the space walk is short anyway. :D


But underwater on Manaan is just where you need a bug like that most.


A tip before going underwater on Manaan: Before you click the door click on Adrenal alacrity, that speed booster works very well and it will get you through in half the time!

And now we have another confirmed character: Mira, a female bounty hunter with a Jango fett like rocketlauncher. Cool! Check it out on the official lucasarts site.

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Originally posted by khawk

And now we have another confirmed character: Mira, a female bounty hunter with a Jango fett like rocketlauncher.


Can't wait to play around with that :D


Probably already known, but I'll list it anyway...


It seems Atton Rand has the 'unique ability', to never die/ get knocked unconscious unless he's the last man standing. & according to the writer or producer, what ever Atton says is the opposite from the truth.


Linked this in another thread, but I'll go ahead & link it here too since it pertains to this conversation.....



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Originally posted by khawk

And now we have another confirmed character: Mira, a female bounty hunter with a Jango fett like rocketlauncher. Cool!


Actually, this is just my opinion, but they should have had these in KOTOR in the first place.



I mean they only had thrown hand grenades, and mines in KOTOR, any planet that has explosives technology will have something like grenade launchers and rocket launchers.



Yes it will be cool! :D

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