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Jedi Counsel Saber Set V2.0


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Ok, I got a question, I have the RedHawke Revan, Bastila, Sith pack and in that pack you already get a file .2da ( I dont remeber the name now) and because of that I cant use your lightsabers, could you help me to change the file so it could be possible to have both on one?

I'll post here the URL to the MOD of RedHawke:

RedHawke MOD

If possible help me please.

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I could fix your .2da files so that they will work with both, but you will need to send me both of your upcrystals.2da files so as I can cross reference them, PM me if you want me to fix it.



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Originally posted by ReLoaD2K

Ok, I got a question, I have the RedHawke Revan, Bastila, Sith pack and in that pack you already get a file .2da ( I dont remeber the name now) and because of that I cant use your lightsabers, could you help me to change the file so it could be possible to have both on one?

I'll post here the URL to the MOD of RedHawke:

RedHawke MOD

If possible help me please.


Maverick is correct. You can update the upcrystals.2da of have someone do it for you. Let me know if you need any help.

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It's that darn upcrystals.2da, it's the price we have to pay to have our sabers be upgradeable.


ReLoaD2K, I'm glad you like the items, and let me know as well if you need any additional help.


Excellent sabers! Achillies. :D

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I updated ReLoaD2K's upcrystals.2da file, but I just hope he has the time to learn how to do it, so that he can in the future. And RedHawke that is why from now on any sabers I make are not going to be upgradeable, but instead just have good stats, they all work the same when it comes down to it.... ignite and slash... hehehe.

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ok, I couldnt stop myself.

I looked at the upcrystal.2da, correct me if I'm wrong, but all that I have to do is copy all that is in one to another to update it?


I use upcrystal.2da and I dl a upcrystal.2da that has 2 more crystals, all I have to do is type those other 2 in my upcrystal.2da?

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Originally posted by maverick187

I updated ReLoaD2K's upcrystals.2da file, but I just hope he has the time to learn how to do it, so that he can in the future. And RedHawke that is why from now on any sabers I make are not going to be upgradeable, but instead just have good stats, they all work the same when it comes down to it.... ignite and slash... hehehe.


That's cool Mav, but... as I was just looking at the .2da's if you just combine the 2 upcrystal.2da's it is going to create a problem with the Sith saber found on Korriban as line 14 label k39 uses the longmdlvar k39_itm_cersaber and that means it will appear as upgradeable of which it isn't and will promptly disappear when clicked on now at the upgrade bench as the sithsbrcrstl90 crystal does not exist in the override. I know T7's sabers don't conflict because they use unique names like mine do.


The solution is easy though just remove the 'r' from line 14's k39_itm_cersaber and that should do it. :D


I prefer upgradeable sabers it allows people to go for their prefrences in whoopass, the only other saber I want to see, or possibly make, is Dooku's curved hilt in all the colors of the lightsaber rainbow!:cool:

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Originally posted by ReLoaD2K

please explain again to a moron (which is me) how to fix it, very well explained if possible.

and sorry for bothering u with this.


Ok ReLoaD2K you open up the upcrystals.2da with Kotor Tool and you will see a spreadsheet looking like program with the following fields at the top;


(Row Label) (the row number)

Label (a unique identifier)

Template (the color crystal .uti goes here)

shortmdlvar (the short saber .uti goes here)

longmdlvar (the standard saber .uti goes here)

doublemdlvar (the double saber .uti goes here)


the line you want looks like this;

14 k39 sithsbrcrstl90 cersabershort k39_itm_cersaber cersaberdbl


all you would need to do is click on the cell with k39_itm_cersaber and remove the 'r' from the end and click on any another cell, this is important, and then save the file. I really hope this helps!


This feels funny instructing someone else on how to do something I didn't even know existed a handful of months ago. :)

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Originally posted by ReLoaD2K

Ahhhh, thanks.

I fixed it now it should work fine, right?


There is a quick way to test it out... Open the cheat console and type;


giveitem k39_itm_cersaber 1


And then go to a workbench and see if it is there as upgradeable, if it is not there then you have been sucsessful.


I hope this helps!:D

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I had a problem with your lightsaber MOD. I'll post screenshot.

But I dont know where to host it...

I'll try to explain, there was only 2 lightsabers in the Leviathan, the Setinel and the Guardian one, the Consular wasnt there and I got a weird graphic for the sable, instead of the regular sable I get a + thing coming out of the hilt.

If anyone has a place to host my image or know what I'm talking about please help me.


EDIT: only the Guardian saber is with that error, the Sentinal one is working properlly.

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Originally posted by ReLoaD2K

I had a problem with your lightsaber MOD. I'll post screenshot.

But I dont know where to host it...

I'll try to explain, there was only 2 lightsabers in the Leviathan, the Setinel and the Guardian one, the Consular wasnt there and I got a weird graphic for the sable, instead of the regular sable I get a + thing coming out of the hilt.

If anyone has a place to host my image or know what I'm talking about please help me.


EDIT: only the Guardian saber is with that error, the Sentinal one is working properlly.


Try http://www.imageshack.us or just PM me and I'll give you my address you can email directly to me.

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