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Map object textures

Heavy Rebel

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I'm new to modeling for Jedi Knight. I have made a custom map object model but can't seem to get Outcase or MD3 view to load up my textures. I'm using 3d max 4. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. Any assistance would be appreciated.



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Lets call the object rock.md3


-Create these dir structures:


base/textures (put your texture in there)

Assign that texture in max.




base/models/map_objects (put rock.md3 in there)


-Once the md3 is exported, create a .skin file using notepad.


type this line:




Save the file as rock.skin.


Place the .skin file where your map object is. Open the object with md3view, import skin file and apply, save and you should have a new path written in the .md3.


Of course you can change the paths to suit your needs.

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Originally posted by tFighterPilot

Since when are md3 files using skin files?:confused:


Since the export plugin puts the wrong path in the md3 file. But you can get rid of the .skin file once its been applied.


All i can say is check your paths...???

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