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Free 14 day trial - what I think


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Now, I hear alot of people are bashing this game and will try to post negative things + etc. But if you don't like the game, leave this thread now.


Personally I think this is a great game. Even though I have only played it for one day it's beat alot of other mmorgp's around.


It is alot of fun running around and designing your character, trying to get some new weapons and then learning how to use them.. [i wasted like 12000 credits accidently buying a wrong weapon lol]


I have met a few nice people, I bought a ticket to a small city called something like tuskan? O_o And I found an expert medic who gave me 30000 credits just to help me start up.


But theres one thing I don't really like. The slowdown when you enter a new city and it all freezes and goes really jerky.


I'll post more later when I get out of school.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

hehe. you cant judge the game after one day. I loved it after almost a month... then, once the cash started to come out of my account, a dark cloud fell on the game.



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Guest DarthMaulUK

I really do hope you get the most out of it Pal. But the forums are full of people quitting due to bugs etc


I even fell through a hole in the map, which made me crash. Totally unforgiveable. Testers arent doing a good job.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I really do hope you get the most out of it Pal. But the forums are full of people quitting due to bugs etc


I even fell through a hole in the map, which made me crash. Totally unforgiveable. Testers arent doing a good job.



:D ROFL, DMUK, what game are you playing?!? :D :D

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Guest DarthMaulUK

That happened last year when the new player cities started. Saw some untextured floor and walked over to it. Normally, its just untextured, but i fell out of the game, much to the amusement of my friends




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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

That happened last year when the new player cities started. Saw some untextured floor and walked over to it. Normally, its just untextured, but i fell out of the game, much to the amusement of my friends






While that is a serious bug, although by-passable, I can not help but laugh. :D

I picture it now, you walking over there, saying "What's thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..................." :D :D :D

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

hehe of course.


it was funny. VERY funny!



No offense here though, I just see the comic value of it, that's all. ;)


Kinda reminds me of another bug, one that is no more as far as I know, if you're camped somewhere in a sloped terrain, and then remove the camp you would either find yourself hanging in the air, or dug down in the ground. :D


Kinda like this and this. :p

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Guest DarthMaulUK

There could be an option to continue after the demo with your character - i cant see no reason why you couldnt. As for a gap. Most accounts are kept for 3 months but i am unsure about the demo.


I will try and find out.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

There could be an option to continue after the demo with your character - i cant see no reason why you couldnt. As for a gap. Most accounts are kept for 3 months but i am unsure about the demo.


I will try and find out.




Does it mean you will come back to SWG?

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

How does that have any meaning about him coming back to SWG? :confused:


He said he will play SWG trial and then try and see if he can use the same character after the trial is over. To play after the trial is over he have to pay again for atleast a month.


Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I am currently playing yes to see what has/has not improved.




I know that, but I mean if you will return back to SWG after the trial is over? Since you don't seem to crash anymore since the "shadow problem" is fixed. If that is a reason enough to come back.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Oh i still crash. Galaxies doesnt seem to like ATi cards for some reason.


More coding errors as well. *shakes head*



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Hey, who here plays on the ShadowRunner server? [i think thats what it's called ^^; I'm on the same one as Corzip a.k.a Wraith]


If you play on that server leave your names here, I need a good few buddies to enjoy my last few days of playing the demo. I want to get pistoleer to level 4 before it runs out. ;)

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

Oh i still crash. Galaxies doesnt seem to like ATi cards for some reason.


More coding errors as well. *shakes head*




Man! You ARE avoiding my question! :p Will you or will you NOT continue play SWG after your Trial period as run out?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

ok - caught me out!


To be honest I am not sure. Currently I have nothing else to play. All the RTS games I want to play are not out until much later in the year or early next and I have news on another Star Wars game that I really want to play but cant talk about it yet - although thats a long way off.



Jump to lightspeed excites me but I am worried about the new problems it will bring. Plus, all these revamps going on shows how wrong they got it from day 1. I still have problems crashing to desktop although the game has been alot more stable than before, it does have days when it just simply will keep crashing and days when its fine


Error logs point to conflicts with the code and im not the only one with the same errors. Will that take a year to fix? i hope not.


Galaxies has the potential to be the best Star Wars game ever but unless the creative team do their job - it never will be. Corellian Corvette is a start but thats for power gamers. There needs to be more interesting content for those who will be the casual gamer, as I might be if I continue to play.


Ive adobted a new approach to Galaxies. Lowering my levels of expectations and also lowering the goals I want to achieve in the game. The server I am on has a small population and I have been on some exciting hunts.


Now I am working on the site I probably will still continue to play, even if it is casual.



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Originally posted by Pal™

Hey, who here plays on the ShadowRunner server? [i think thats what it's called ^^; I'm on the same one as Corzip a.k.a Wraith]


If you play on that server leave your names here, I need a good few buddies to enjoy my last few days of playing the demo. I want to get pistoleer to level 4 before it runs out. ;)

It's Starsider, and I'm playing on it to, co-leader of the Affilliates with Wraith (Corzip). :)

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

It's Starsider, and I'm playing on it to, co-leader of the Affilliates with Wraith (Corzip). :)


Ah, mind telling me your name? Don't worry, I'm no beggar. ;)

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Uhm, it shouldn't be hard to figure out. :D


I use the same name everywhere, well, atleast the last name if I'm not able to use Jan. :) The exception being in such games taking place in an ancient themed world, like EverQuest, I use the first name Lorenar. But Gaarni is used everywhere on the net. :)


I also use Ories Gaarni in SWG (second account). He's my father (not real one :) ) and runs a business from Cori Celesti that has grown into a 3 partner Corporation. :)

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