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Yeah, fighting Boba is easy in JA because of the force powers, but fighting him without force powers..... It should be intresting.


I still remember vividly the first time I ran into Boba in DF. Feeling a great sense of dread, I said, "Oh crap." My feeling of dread was justified; For quite a while, he blasted me into submission with those dang missiles. :(


However, soon I got the hang of playing hide and seek with him in the pilliars right in front of the landing pad. Battles in there were fun and challenging.


Soon afterwards, though, I discovered that it was best (at least for me) to fight him in the open. I did so while spamming conc blasts. Result: He couldn't touch me. I blasted him without a single scratch to myself. :D


I suspect (and hope), that things won't be as easy in the JA mod. :)

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I actually think that the master chief's lack of expression(given his helmet hides his face), and his silent, coolheaded personality is what makes him look cool as he mows his way through an army of covenant.


Anyway fighting Boba Fett should be interesting, however I dont think that if hes going to fire dozens of missiles that they should be as powerful as the merr sonn missiles in JO/JA and in the movies he had a blaster which is what he should use in close combat, not a flamethrower. But one of the reason he was so hard in JA was that he couldnt be hurt until you destroyed the weapon stockpiles. IN DF i usually faught him form the room with the long row of windows overlooking that open area and took advantage of the weird way that the concussion rifle worked(damaged everything above the blast no matter how far up and the way a blast spawned below every enemy near the area you targeted, though i hope they dont make it this way in the mod). There is however a trick you may or may not know about in the original DF, you can kill Boba at the start of the level if you plant IM Mines or use the mortar gun on the wall opposite the opening that you leave and enter the landing pad from, you will hear him yell when you shoot and hurt him and especially when you kill him.


BTW, Whats MotP?

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mines take all the fun out of it :p

I remember playing DF as a young sprout, and to be honest I still get confused on some levels still this day (such as the detention center, the elevators threw me off and I think I have never actually beaten that level *ahem*).

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I didn't beat the Detention Center without cheats until I actually bought the game a year ago and played through it again. I think DF has some of the best level design of any game to date. Just look at the vault on the Coruscant level if you want proof that the puzzles extend beyond color-coded keys. I think the level design, story, and weapons are the reasons I like DF so much. And the the Dark Trooper...

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Yeah the evevators in the detention center are confusing, but i actually didnt find it hard to crack the vault first time(about 10 minutes), the map on the wall practically tells you what to do and I even figured out how to access all the segments in my second game, that said its kind of funny that i had to use LAPOGO for the longest time on the arc hammer because i just didnt see the panel you had to shoot while moving along the conveyor belt to open the door at the end.

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Well I know nothing about scripting but in the vault all you need is control panels that open 1 of 3 doors in sequence and then closes them all.


But anyway I have a question, I dont mean to nag(well maybe a little), I'm trying to be patient and not belittle any problems you are having, but where the HEK is the second demo, you guys said on the 17th of september that the second demo would be out in a week or so(which was the 24th), Oct. 1st, Oct. 8th. Now 2 weeks overdue, it would be nice if someone would please put some news on the site telling what setbacks you have had so we who eagerly await the second demo arent left in the dark.

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Continuing what I said in an earlier post, I just played the demo again and actually its not thats its too hard but the officers(especially the ones in the grey uniforms) and the commandos do too much damage. I realize that that is from JO/JA but in DF there were more of them and they were only supposet to be tougher and not have better firepower. And PLEASE dont make the assault cannon kill you with 4-6 shots or make any of the other powerful weapons TOO uber or anything like that. And also I dont know if you fixed this in the second demo but the front of the engine pods on the crow are too red and a little too bright, they should like the pods in the DF2 movies.and another little thing, kyle ran a little slow in the demo compared to the original game and seems to fall a little slowly, so not meaning to make your job harder but try to balance it out a little(he would have to fall faster if he runs faster so that he dosent get "super jumps")


Also though this mod will most definitely be extremely great, I am more looking forward to the DF2 mod(no offense). I just like Jedi Knight most out of all the DF/JK series and think it has the best story IMO, but i always felt that Dark Forces(which is also still one of my favourite games) needs to be converted more than DF2 because, despite the fact that its only 2 years older, it has much worse graphics and sounds and the enemies are only sprites, not to mention terrible controls(ie. no mouse aim). That said whenever both mods are out and I download them I will probably never play the originals again.

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In regards to Secbase, the JA three level demo version of it has been completely reworked and updated and looks much better than our original JO demo release. Also keep in mind that this three level demo is in fact still only a demo and not a final release. We do take feedback into consideration.


Not too much longer! Hang in there!

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Originally posted by Gen. Armageddon

I will probably never play the originals again.

Heh this feeling we all have already.

But we have to play the old games to analyse them despite of the pixelized graphics...

Either rescaled to 1280x1024 or played in post stamp mode, both look ugly :D


Insteresting detail you mentionned about the crow. I did the skin for it, it was my first 1024x1024 texture btw., and i have reused parts i did for my friend Hörby's great DF level Prelude to Harkovs Redemption.

The red color is some signal color like used on firefighter cars. I thought it should be there as warning not to come to close to the engines since the crow is capable of atmospheric flights.

Call it Skinners Degree of Freedom :D

Its not really SWish but i like it as it is.

I guess the skin has to be redone later anyway, as we most probably will have to do so with the model, it could have some more polygons ;)

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The red color is some signal color like used on firefighter cars. I thought it should be there as warning not to come to close to the engines since the crow is capable of atmospheric flights.


Even so they should look like the originals, and maybe the model could have more polys but if you ask me the model and the rest of the texture looks fine already.


And to the DF mod team as to the news you recently posted, thats all we need, just so we know your still there, and as for secbase I figured that it would be better in the full game but i didnt know if you would keep the damages or not. The only other thing with the demo(dunno if you've fixed this or not)was the sounds(the redone music was great BTW) , a few of the sound effects from the original game could have been done without IMO(obviously kyles voice had to stay and it sounds fine) but the jumping sound and moreover the sound made when you shoot someone sound a little low quality. Anyway as for what Darth_Linux said about not bad for a team of amatuers, if you ask me from what i have seen in the screenshots, the mod will look at least as good and maybe even better than Jedi Outcast.

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