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how do i load character.........


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models in 3dmax? i have everything in my assests extracted from winzip, and i do have a model/ players section, all i wnt to do now is load a skinned character i made and add a cape onto him, can someone plz tell me how to at least load him in the screen?.........

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they only open JO models? how the hell am i supposed to add a cape on my JA skinned character?!:/..........


can someone give me a tutorial on how to open these damn models.........


and i keep getting a --""No select"" function for undefined error..........

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this is what the MxScriptListener says......


-- Error occurred during fileIn in <File:C:\3dsmax6\plugins\jo_playermodel_auto_skin.ms>


>> MAXScript Auto-load Script Error - C:\3dsmax6\plugins\jo_playermodel_auto_skin.ms Exception: -- No ""select"" function for undefined <<




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can u plz tell me how to OPEN up models? i have NO CLUE how to import the MODELS in 3d Max, idk how to OPEN them, how do i get them to show on the screen?..........


thats all im asking........

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basically i wnna know how to get them to appear in 3dMax, i have no clue how to do this, i have the plug in all ready, but what ive been asking for the past 3 posts is how i get the models to be displayed in the 3d max screens.......

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look heres wat i kno which int much i myself av jus this minute figured out how 2 get models in2 3dsmax 6, u need 2 get a glm importer cant remember where i got mine from sorry but it dint tek me long 2 find den the model u wanna open in 3dmax will be in .pk3 format if u open winzip an extract the model.glm, then open 3dmax an import the .glm u jus extracted. now wen i do this the model shows up in 3dmax but with no colour on it or anythin so now i need 2 learn how 2 work 3dmax as i av neva used it b4 an also ow 2 make the model back 2 a pk3 file oh an wat the f*ck r .xsi i cant find none anywhere an wen i got XSIimporter plug in it sed it cannot load it so how the hell do i get xsi in2 3dmax?? if u ave any answers 2 any of my questions plz help me!!

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oh yeah i actually dunno ow 2 use 3dmax at all so if any1 knows of a good tut plz let me kno, + i dnt kno ow 2 jus start from scratch with kyles skeleton the way iv had 2 do it is download sum1 elses model an den put dat in2 3dmax an im tryin 2 edit a model that already exists so is there a way i can take all the stuff off the top off this model so i'll jus be left with the skeleton?? i dont kno the 1st thing bout doin this 3dstuff tho, ow do u get em 2 look so real, the model i'm editin is mario an i tried 2 make his foot smaller but it jus went pointy!! y? plz give a good tut!! thnx

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