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Making a movie

Wraith 8

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hey peeps


i was wondering. helios made video's of their dancing and swg makes movies for their teasers. IGN makes some movies. how do they do this? is there a special program that allows to to make a movie of what you do on your comp??? or a like a camcorder in your comp? i dont imagine them just holding a videovamera in front of their screen. there must be a way??


it would be so awesome to make a couple of movies from the Starsider server.


please someone help me :)


Wraith 8

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Oh!!! So that means the -A- will get some nice videos??? :p



I just saw Balgosa's latest video, he made a character on eclipse to work with Nabooty Entertainment (an organization of the guild of a guy who plays on scylla but used to play on eclipse) and even Q-3PO made a silver 3PO unit just for the video, that was awesome that a Dev made them that favor, it would be cool to see that happening with the -A- :)


And you're Welcome Wraithy :D (I will never get used to call you corzip ;P)

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