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My little help to the "First Person Lightsaber" cause


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Nice, although it looks like all this really does is give you the "arms only Kyle" skin in first person view for the saber.


It's still not quite as good as the JK2 built in version because of Force Speed messing it up.


He also mentions TrueView in his readme, so use whatever you like best.

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Kurgan, this MOD is for Single Player while OJP is for Multi Player (but you can use them together I think) so you can't simply choose one of them, they aren't the same.


I admit this MOD is nothing exceptional, in facts I explained what I did in the readme's technical notes. Let's say it is a "Columbus' egg" if you know what I mean. If anybody has other ideas to improve it he's welcome.


I'm happy to see that many people, more than usually thought, cares about first person lightsaber. This is also to show developers that the feature was needed and not so hard to include, at least in a form which is enough to make people happy.

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Originally posted by Master William

How is this supposed be put to good use? I can barely hit an enemy...


n00b j00 n33d soem 3137 saebr skeelz!


No, seriously, I loved it. I played a bunch of missions all first person with no troubles.

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Originally posted by Samuel Dravis

Thanks for mentioning OJP in the readme. :cool:


That's because you guys deserve it :)

I love true view. Feel free to include any idea from my little MOD and to improve it.


Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

Huh? What? First person has returned? This could be the most triumphant day for JA since it came out.


Now I am embarassed... :o :o :o:cool:;)

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Nemios, YOU ARE MY HERO. This little mod has made it so that i could finally, truly enjoy this game. It feels like a totally new and different experience than when i first played it.


The only thing that i have a problem with is that you can still see the legs while looking down, but other than that, a 5 star job.

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Originally posted by Tyler_Durden

The only thing that i have a problem with is that you can still see the legs while looking down, but other than that, a 5 star job.


Well, I thought it would be better if I left as much of the body as I can. It's not difficult to erase the legs if you want. Open the .skin file and re-make the pk3, it's not hard to figure out what you have to turn off.

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Originally posted by TK42235

hay could you tell me how to change fpls to jadens skin

(kel dor male head c1 torso b1 lower a1


This is a bit longer, I'll try to give you some advices.


Open the PK3, see that the are mainly 2 folders: ext_data and model with their subfolders. In model you have to put the folder of Jaden instead of the one of Kyle, and there create a new model_fpls.skin based from the one you want but clearing out the skin parts you don't want to be visible. Sorry if I can't be more clear, it's more difficult to explain than do it.

Next part is much more easy: in ext_data/npcs you have to modify fpls.npc to use the model you want and the skin you created. That's it!


I suggest to do your own tries and see what you get, you'll learn quickly if you keep experimenting.

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If you look in my model_fpls you'll notice that for the body parts I wanted to be trasparent there's *off instead of the real texture image. Do the same for your head, body and legs parts and you're done.

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