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Imperial vs. Republic

Lord Tyreal

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Originally posted by CortoCG

Oh come on Jacobim, even you don't but that "Jango's the best" bull. He got killed in the most lame way a infamous bounty hunter could get killed. Even Greedo died with more dignity, I mean, dodge a blast at that close range? You have to be Neo. But not seeing a badass mothafuka coming at you wielding a lightsaber?!?!?! Wtf?


No! I really dislike Jango. Boba is a way better bounty hunter. If you read one of the threads on the IEF forums, you'd see how much I dislike him. He's nothing without his jetpack, that is apparent. But, he has skill. And NO what do I have to do to get it thorugh your guys heads? Stormies arent clones. The Empire made cloning illegal and it would be impractical to clone so many different people. And CortoCG, why do you call me Jacobim.

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Hehehe, sorry I call you Jacobim, it's because your nicks kinda sounds like that in spanish :p.

I totally agree with you in this one. Besides Jango is fat, you can see his belly even behind his shiny Village People armor. I don't know if Boba is better or not, to be honest, I love how the armor looks :).

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*points to TK's post* I think HE knows more about Storm Troopers than you Yeab. I'll trust what the Insider says.


And yes, Boba was a better Bounty Hunter than Jango. But Jango was a good Bounty Hunter none the less. Remember, he shot Coleman Trebor dead without using his Jetpack.

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Out of the two lemme ask who you would have seen die... Jango Or Boba although I guess there both the same none the less so they're better. Although if Boba was killed then Jango might have gotten pissed off and like all the others in the Star Wars Trilogies he would kill off the person who killed his son AKA Mace Windu.

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Originally posted by Luke'sMaster

Out of the two lemme ask who you would have seen die... Jango Or Boba although I guess there both the same none the less so they're better. Although if Boba was killed then Jango might have gotten pissed off and like all the others in the Star Wars Trilogies he would kill off the person who killed his son AKA Mace Windu.



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a few things.

1. I dont believe TK knows more than me about stomrtroopers. It's possible, but I dont believe so.

2. Boba didnt die. He fell in sarlacc but blew it open, needed medcare, then killed it. Dengar helped him.

3. Insider may not lie, but they are incorrect, or maybe talking about a different time period. During Ep4, the stormies arent clones. Myabe there were some clones at the beginning of the Empire's reign, but by Ep4, there were none. You can tell by a few things, their inperfection. Clones are supposed to be all disciplined and perfect and all. Stormies arent. Their differences, build and height are different. There's a few more that I have in reserve for later.

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Originally posted by yaebginn

1. I dont believe TK knows more than me about stomrtroopers. It's possible, but I dont believe so.


*Looks at your avatar.*


You look like rebel scum to me!


Originally posted by yaebginn

Their differences, build and height are different. There's a few more that I have in reserve for later.


And that is because Stormtroopers were cloned from many different sources. They're all many different people that were cloned, as it says in the Star Wars Insider article.

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First of all, stop fighting ladies!

Second of all, I believe SOME of the Imps could have been Jangos clones. Some Could have been different, but some weren't!

Third of all, Remeber that they all were normally the same height!

Fourth of all, They only died againts the ewoks because they had good hunting and hiding techniques!

Fith of all, the Imps lost most of their forces at the end of Ep VI!

Thats why the remnant lost!:D

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we werent fighting, we were discussing. :D and I dont think there are any clones in the OT. Yes, thye did lose most of their forces. and every1 says that the Imps lost to the Ewoks. They didnt. They lost to the rebels, the ewoks contributed little.ou saw how much the ewoks were getting their butts kicked.

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Well, Hitler only accepted recruits of certain height. Later on he accepted everyone, as long as he could sustain his decimated army. Maybe the Empire did not reach that point, since they have a lot of systems and planets to recruit from.

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Originally posted by Lord Tyreal

why does every time something is posted it ends up getting off topic about stupid things?


Cuz that's human nature. Stupidity is endlessly more interesting than intelligence. See, intelligence has it's limits, stupidity doesn't.

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