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Monkey Island Cartoon...lets get it done


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Hi everyone,


im a young illustrator from germany, big fan of the lucasarts adventures, especially Monkey Island 1-3...


I really would like to start some kind of Monkey Island Fan Cartoon, but I dont got the ideas for some funny stories though.

Perhaps some of you guys can help me, if we get a bunch of ideas together I will start drawing... :)


The cartoons would prolly be like this style:












plz lemme know if you r interested being a part of this idea... ;)

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Very ponderous material.



Would it be a four framed gag?

A one frame gag?

Or would it be like a continuing series?

Would it be released one page at a time or all at once when it's finished?


Once I get a better understanding of what kind of comic you're trying to attempt to make I'd be more'n happy to help.

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well, to keep that typical MI flair I guess all four framed stuff is total useless...it should be a little story, something between 15-30 pages perhaps...


I dont wanna hurry too much, just get some pages done....and when I am done its gonna be posted everywhere... ;)


perhaps more like this style:





I would really love to draw such a story and perhaps thats all way too much storywriting for one person...so I thought about opening an extra thread, where a script can be discussed... ;)

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I would enjoy seeing a Monkey Island where Le Chuck makes just a random girl his undead bride. Just to try and make Elaine jealous. This of course has no effect on Elaine so he finally launches his hoard of undead pirates in a full assault against Melee Island (or one of the other islands the couple could be visiting) and the only key to stopping lechuck is the bride. Who ends up beating the snot out of him for not marrying her out of love..... I dunno.


I just think Le Chuck made all of those dead soldiers using Big Whoop. Where'd they go to? And I think Le Chuck should look as he did either in zombie green form or fire beard form. I think you would have more fun with the fire beard personally.


Perhaps someone has written something in fanfiction that would be worthy enough of being turned into a comic? I have no idea I just thought I'd ask.

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