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Just a typical day in SW Galaxies

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

-- 2004-07-01 12:37 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701090521.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 006c7bc9=addr


-- 2004-07-01 12:50 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701114937.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 006692cb=addr


-- 2004-07-01 14:27 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701130734.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 10002b43=addr


-- 2004-07-01 14:35 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701133457.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 8a2fc040=addr


-- 2004-07-01 14:45 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701134451.txt unknown(0x02524435) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_colorvertex.vsh 16389 (vertex_program/include/functions.inc(140): error X4000: variable 'attenuationFactors' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2004-07-01 16:06 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701150505.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 010159e4=addr


-- 2004-07-01 16:08 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701150744.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 9f147000=addr


-- 2004-07-01 16:12 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701151136.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00713bf7=addr


-- 2004-07-01 17:50 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701164601.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0076bfff=addr


-- 2004-07-01 18:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701171524.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0098e752=addr


-- 2004-07-01 18:40 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701173938.txt Exception c000001d(-1073741795)=code 006c7ece=addr


-- 2004-07-01 18:46 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701174629.txt unknown(0x02524435) : FATAL 536bf21f: Could not compile shader vertex_program/a_simple_bump.vsh 16389 ((28): error X4000: variable 'vertexNormal_o' used without having been completely initialized


-- 2004-07-01 19:20 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701175602.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 100018f5=addr


-- 2004-07-01 19:22 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701182055.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0257e2e6=addr


-- 2004-07-01 19:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701183706.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 43000000=addr


-- 2004-07-01 20:07 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701190632.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 10002f3a=addr


-- 2004-07-01 21:18 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701201759.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 1000b186=addr


-- 2004-07-01 21:34 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701203339.txt unknown(0x0096C02F) : FATAL 7dcb0566: TreeFile::SearchCache::CachedFile: Could not properly expand 0xdb91e9db


-- 2004-07-01 21:38 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701203827.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 10025e86=addr


-- 2004-07-01 22:04 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701210342.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015faf=addr


-- 2004-07-02 07:45 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040701210831.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 10010e7b=addr


-- 2004-07-02 07:48 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702064703.txt Exception c000001d(-1073741795)=code 012c0411=addr


-- 2004-07-02 07:50 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702065002.txt Exception c000001d(-1073741795)=code 012c0411=addr


-- 2004-07-02 07:54 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702065358.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 006997ef=addr


-- 2004-07-02 08:04 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702070401.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 004f799a=addr


-- 2004-07-02 08:07 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702070702.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00696906=addr


-- 2004-07-02 08:10 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702070804.txt Exception c000001d(-1073741795)=code 012c0411=addr


-- 2004-07-02 08:25 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702072504.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0257d6bf=addr


-- 2004-07-02 10:18 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702085702.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00f14e74=addr


-- 2004-07-02 10:42 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702094152.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0251b671=addr


-- 2004-07-02 12:38 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702113838.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015f19=addr


-- 2004-07-02 12:39 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702113904.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 026bb70c=addr


-- 2004-07-02 12:42 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702113946.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 026bb70c=addr


-- 2004-07-02 13:28 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702122514.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015f19=addr


-- 2004-07-02 13:40 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702123951.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015f19=addr


-- 2004-07-02 15:06 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702140416.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0076160a=addr


-- 2004-07-02 15:08 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702140830.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0c458b10=addr


-- 2004-07-02 15:19 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702141921.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0076bfff=addr


-- 2004-07-02 15:54 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702145356.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0076f379=addr


-- 2004-07-02 15:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702145646.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015f19=addr


-- 2004-07-02 17:49 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702162524.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 100018f5=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702170856.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 306b16f5=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:17 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702171638.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0251b378=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:18 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702171738.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0257d6bf=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:21 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702171934.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 1000c2a3=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:41 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702174111.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00711915=addr


-- 2004-07-02 18:45 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702174410.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0257e858=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:03 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702190248.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00f8d88c=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:05 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702190531.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00dddf70=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:09 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702190859.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00760475=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:23 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702192207.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 01015f19=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:50 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702195021.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 5dc000e8=addr


-- 2004-07-02 20:57 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702195649.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 009857b5=addr


-- 2004-07-02 21:01 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702200112.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 00760475=addr


-- 2004-07-02 21:06 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702200603.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 009e9f48=addr


-- 2004-07-02 21:15 sent

SwgClient_r.exe-83896.87675-20040702201441.txt Exception c0000005(-1073741819)=code 0076bfff=addr



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Never had any of those errors. I tell you, some of you people have the damnedest trouble I've ever seen. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it? Games, if they sit on your computer long enough, will go corrupt, like any other software program. If it was a bug germaine to the game, I would think more people would have it.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If you take a visit over at the Official Tech support forums, you will see dozens with exactly the same problem


The funny thing is, every other game is fine - just Galaxies - which points me AGAIN to the coding of the game causing such conflicts.

I am narrowing it down though and believe that there could be a problem with anyone who upgraded from Windows 98 to XP as one of the reasons why.


Another problem for the many are those who have over 1.0gig RAM and high end graphic cards, like my ATi Radeon 9800 256 pro.

This again has been causing problems and it seems Galaxies has more problems with AMDs & ATis than Intels and Nvidias.


I have just done a full reformat, not because of Galaxies but my PC needed a clean up and even with just Galaxies on the PC, it still has problems.


But when you have a Tech Support Document created by muppets, I guess it will be another year before they admit and then fix this new problem.


I have also conducted dozens of tests when I have the time on various PCs and it was our lowest spec PC (Win98 256 ram, nvidia 64mb MX440) where the game ran perfectly, if slow.



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Seems like unless you have a high-end 3000 dollar computer(like alienware), you're gonna have problems with the thing.....I mean I'm on a 2 a gigahert 512 ram computer with a top line grapihcs card and it still lags. SOE must be getting money off all the high-end computers that we're buying or something. Forcing us to have top of the line for this baby.

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I have a high end machine I built about 2 months ago. The only real lag I get is in the cities. I have everything turned up maximum in terms of graphics and haven't had any problems running the game. I also have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro, but no conflicts or issues. Not yet, anyway.

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