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I have a question....Anyone can ansewr...


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they are changing Bounty Hunter to be Master Marksman + Exploration 4, it's in testing now


as far as i know Mandolorian armor can only be crafted inside the Death Watch Bunker and it's the only place you'll find the components, the DWB is extremely hard to do

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I think one player I heard about actually got a Mandalorian helmet from the Deathwatch quest. It looks like Boba Fett's, and is the only piece of Mandalorian armor known to exist in the entire game. Yeah, that quest is awesome, but a killer to go through.


For starters, you have talk to Boba Fett to find out where they are. To talk to Fett, you have to get into Jabba The Hutt's throne room. to do that, you have to go on these quests for Jabba.


So, the road to Mandalorian armor is long and hard, but worth it. That armor probably makes composite look like paper.

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