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Player cities are ruined by this graphic settings.....


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it doesnt kill gameplay but more the feel of the game, it ruins my experience. On the game cities you go to Mos Espa and you look ahead and you see a whole city there, wow, looks big and u go inside and ur in a huge city.


Well for player cities I go and see 2 buildings ahead, oh wow the city is coming up, then i go near em and i would feel im in the city but it dont because you can only see the buildings when ur resally close. So you look around and u see ur self in middle of nowhere with 2 buildings instead of looking at lots of buildings around you and feeling like a city.



I feel they should have atleast a option for this, a option to see it like u see the game made cities in distance. I know it'll make more lag but itll be a option where if you experience lag, you can turn this off.



i dunno can someone submit this idea at the developer forums, i would but im not a paying customer, just a trial player :)

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Originally posted by Sounds Risky

I would much prefer if the developers simply got rid of player cities, they're abandoned for the most part anyway.




player cities are great, where the hell else are people gunna live??



and i believe you can turn off the fade objects thing, you'd probly get alot of lag though

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I think player cities have divided the game up. When i first started playing, places like Bestine, Anchorhead and Coronet were busy places.


Now, they are just pit stops for people getting buffs. Also, unless you are in a guild, theres a lower chance of a trader selling stuff successfully.


I have seen dozens of empty vendors outside player cities and then most have decided not to bother restocking because it just isnt worth it.


As for the Devs? They know best....right? :confused:



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I think player cities definitely have their place in the game. The business and political professions are certainly a part of that. Also, players can have their own communal areas, which I think is good. I don't see the player cities causing any real problems in the overall thematic of the gameplay itself. As far as what role player communities will have, that remains to be seen.

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I think player cities should remain in the game. They're a great feature for players in guilds and such. And as for vendors getting business, if you're in a well know guild and can get your city location out, go for it, it can be very profitable, i used to be in a guild in lowca on tat, and I had a vendor there too. I was raking in the dough like you would not believe. The key is getting people to live there and getting the name out.

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