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So, to any bounty hunters. . .

Darth MarcII

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Well, I can definitely see the wilderness survival aspect being a plus, because a bounty hunter should know how to survive in the wild. There are a few Star Wars books by Timothy Zahn, that tell how Boba Fett had to "rough it" in the wilderness when pursuing a mark. Aslo he had to gather food and resources from animals he killed.

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I always wondered why anything involving hunting animals was necessary for someone who's profession was hunting sentients. Trapping is pointless unless they introduce BH traps to use on their marks, for instance.


On the other hand, nothing is stopping a BH player from learning more scout skills anyway.

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Yeah only thing is that a single bh isn't going to take down a jedi knight. Last night I became an imp so I could do a few missions with some friends of mine. While en route to the recruiter so I could resign to nuetral again I was attacked by a very clever jedi name Lola. She had /tell me asking for me to train her medic skills. Well I had no idea she was a jedi knight and was mowed down fairly fast. Her ranking was Jedi Knight. After I had traveled back to coronet in the spaceport were quite a few imps including a Dark Force Master named Duic. With the current jedi becoming more powerful as the climb their skill trees its not going to be any walk in the park for anyone to kill them.

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Well, the Jedi, per Lucas' stories, are pretty close to invincible. What they will have to do, I'm thinking, is give the bounty hunters some new skills, like JEDI SHOT or something. Also, how about some new armor. Maybe made from that material that was mentioned in the Jedi Knight games. Cortosis. That material is lightsaber resistant.

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Cortosis steel has shown up on more than one occasion, but I have yet to hear if it provides any lightsaber resistence. I would imagine there would be no such thing as cortosis armor because, from what I've heard, it's not seriously developed until after RotJ. But then, there shouldn't be any Jedi at the time the game is set, so I doubt the devs give a damn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they could add something like force immune giving armor so force doesnt affect you so much. also it would be really good if bh's could inflict more damage especially against jedi's.

Hehe it just made me think if there were an armor that has an effect called "DISTURBANCE IN THE FORCE" and it would make jedi that faces you weaker somehow, maybe lower its skills for period of time, now that would be great.

I think Lucas made these Jedi's too powerful. Maybe he thinks that its so hard to become a jedi that it has to be rewarded, but in time eweryone has played enought to become a jedi and then jedi's are ewerywere. Then there would be only few of us to stand against them. And we dont stand a change...

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