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Yuuzhan-Vong in KotOr? (Spoilers)


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O.K., I saw this thread somewhere else, but still...


After you get on the Ebon Hawk and have Canderous, if you talk to him enough, he describes an asteroid that erupted in plasma and started shooting...a projectile that ate through the metal of the ships.


He also said that he chased it to the end of the galaxy, where it went beyond the galaxy, and he said that it'd be insane to chase a ship which went past the edge of the galaxy, as it is full of black holes, etc.


This so obviously describes the Yuuzhan-Vong. A Yuuzhan-Vong Coralskipper in particular. This means that they were scouting the galaxy 4,000 years before they encountered Zonama Sekot, which was fifty years before the New Jedi Order books. They were definitely interested in this galaxy!!


What do you guys think?





Edit- My friend saw this too, and we came to the same conclusion.



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